
Braincrack Games SKU: FLO1EDEN

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Decent price for decent game

> I wrote this as a solo review <
The publisher says this is the 3rd game in the series, I don't see how it is when all three games (Ragusa, Venice, and Florence) each had a different designer, They share some sort of theme / time line together I guess.

To keep it short, Ragusa is a better game to pick up - designed by someone who has made a few hits in the past. Florence looks like fun, sounds like fun until you play. You soon realize you'll be heading to BoardGameGeek to look for answers about the game.
Florence is designed by someone who is breaking into the scene (not a bad thing but also not a good thing). Keep that in mind when purchasing.

Depending where you place a guard(3 different types of spots), it will have 3 rules behind it that you will need to keep in the back of your mind or look in the book each time you or someone moves past or next to a guard.
Oh the Nobel is driving by? What are the 3 or 4 rules behind it for scoring.

Brag action is a way to get points and block others of getting points. IT's an OK mechanic.

The solo mode needs better explanation and examples of the cards.

This game is NOT intuitive like Ragusa.
Get Ragusa instead of Florence. Set up, rules, scoring and way more engaging for everyone who is playing!

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