vaibhavhospital 2024-03-28T01:38:44-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2024-03-28T01:38:44-04:00 2024-03-28T01:38:44-04:00 September Storm: The Invasion of Poland (Minor Damage) Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 180-360 mins
Suggested Age 16 and up

"September Storm: The Invasion of Poland" is a 2-player wargame of the September 1939 German invasion of Poland, which signaled the start of World War II. The game covers the period from September first to the 17th when the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the East.

As a "solitaire" game, the human player controls the Polish side and rules marked “solitaire” supposedly "control" the German side, but they are only loose guidelines and require the human to make decisions; it is essentially soloing both sides of a 2-player wargame. ]]>
Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Aug 3 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-New-Jul-31-Aug-6-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_Dings and Dents Discount_On Sale INV-M-Z INV-S Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230910 Restock-20240211 Sale Type_Regular Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 79.95 41259671027763-MD 408 2023-04-07T04:50:02-04:00 2023-04-07T04:50:02-04:00 They Fell Like Stones: Isandlwana Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

"They Fell Like Stones: Isandlwana" is a solitaire tactical simulation of the January 22, 1879 battle. You control the British Imperial forces and solitaire rules govern the Zulu side. As the Imperial commander, you must array your forces as best you can to meet the Zulu attack. Several scenarios are available including the full use of Glyn's Detachment, which historically was sent off on a wild-goose chase, dividing the Imperial forces.

—description from the publisher

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-May 12 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Restock-20231105 Year Published_2010s Default Title 89.95 41259672010803 3022 2023-04-07T04:47:12-04:00 2023-04-07T04:47:12-04:00 The Most Terrible Battle: Borodino 1812 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 92.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

"The Most Terrible Battle: Borodino 1812" is an introductory wargame at the division level of perhaps Napoleon’s most famous battle next to Waterloo.

The game includes the meeting engagement of September 5, 1812 as well as the main battle of Borodino fought two days later.

The game design is suited for beginners and more experienced players alike as it includes features such as square formations, heavy cavalry charges, the Fleches, and the Shevardino and Grand Redoubts, Cossacks, garrison units and a non-player reaction phase.

The game map for Borodino is based on a modified style and color of maps created by historians of the battle in the decades immediately after the battle.

—description from the publisher

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2020s Default Title 92.95 41259671879731 3022 2023-04-07T04:40:10-04:00 2023-04-07T04:40:10-04:00 Shield Wall: Hastings 1066 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 120 mins

Shield Wall is a low complexity wargame on the Battle of Hastings. The game uses traditional hex-and-counter mechanics to simulate the combat and emphasizes the ineffectual assault of Norman archers, the combination of Norman foot and cavalry units, and the defensive strength of the Saxon shield wall. The game also highlights the difficulty that the Saxon leaders keeping the shield wall intact. Saxon Units may involuntarily pursuit the Normans down the hill and lose their high-ground advantage after successfully causing the Norman units to route.

The game features rules for demoralizing of the armies, rallying the troops, and Saxon reinforcements. Also included are optional rules for army fatigue which increases the difficulty for both players.

The Saxon Player wins by holding the hill or eliminating the Norman king, William. The Norman player wins by taking the hill or killing the Saxon king, Harold. Either player can win by eliminating all units.

The game features about 147 counters and a 22x17 inch gameboard. ]]>
Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-M-Z INV-S Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2010s Default Title 79.95 41259671060531 3022 2023-04-07T04:34:12-04:00 2023-04-07T04:34:12-04:00 Master and Commander Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 93.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2

Master and Commander is a print'n'play game of 18th century naval combat. Players will maneuver their sailing ships in a hex grid sea in an effort to cross their opponents T (naval lingo for getting into a good firing position), or even board and capture an enemy vessel to use it against him. Victory is achieved by either sinking all enemy ships or chasing them out of the sea. Rules allow for changing wind conditions, crew quality, and shore batteries.

The game includes six pages of rules, double-sided counters for 40 ships, and two sheets of hex grid.

Master and Commander is a fast-play simulation of Napoleonic sea combat. Release 2.0 expands the beautiful counter set created by Tom Cundiff, adds rules for crew quality and provides hexagonal grid templates for map creation. ]]>
Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M INV-M-Z Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2010s Default Title 93.95 41259669127219 3022 2023-04-07T04:32:22-04:00 2023-04-07T04:32:22-04:00 Loyaulte Me Lie: Bosworth Field, 1485 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 120 mins
Suggested Age 16 and up

Loyaulte Me Lie: Bosworth Field, 1485 is a low complexity wargame on the Battle of Bosworth Field on August 22, 1485. The game uses recent archaeological finds on the battlefield to create as accurate of a map as possible.

The game is an introductory level wargame and as a result has a simple 8 page rulebook. The game uses basic hex and counter mechanics with a few special rules to simulate combat of the medieval era. Cavalry charges and infantry shock attacks are given special consideration.

The game is won by killing either Richard III or Henry Tudor or by routing your opponents army. If neither of these objectives have been achieved after 8 turns, the Yorkist side wins. ]]>
2-Players-Only Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-L Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2010s Default Title 79.95 41259669094451 3022 2023-04-07T04:28:22-04:00 2023-04-07T04:28:22-04:00 The Russian Empire Strikes Back: Lodz 1914 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 70.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2-4
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

This is a operational scale war game based on the World War One battle between Germany and Russia.

Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-R INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2010s Default Title 70.95 41259668471859 3022 2023-04-07T04:00:51-04:00 2023-04-07T04:00:51-04:00 Duel of Eagles II: The Battle of Mars-la-Tour, 1870 (a.k.a. Position Magnifique) Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Hermann Luttmann
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 120 mins
Suggested Age 16 and up

Duel of Eagles is a medium-complexity wargame on the Battle of Mars-la-Tour, in the Franco-Prussian War. This battle is notable for having one of the last successful cavalry assaults in modern warfare.

This is a chit-pull game. The chits are either Activation Chits, which activate all units within the indicated corps, or Event Chits, which each contain two possible events which the player can chose between. Each turn both players draw from the chit cup until all chits have been used or there are no remaining HQ's on the map.

The game requires the players to maintain supply lines, both to rally units that are shaken or low on ammo and to achieve the victory conditions.

The victory conditions for the French player are to maintain the routes to Metz and Verdun. The Prussian player must try to prevent this from happening. ]]>
2-Players-Only Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-D Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230423 Year Published_2010s Default Title 79.95 41259667226675 3022 2023-04-07T03:57:05-04:00 2023-04-07T03:57:05-04:00 Crisis on the Right: Plancenoit 1815 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 82.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 60 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Crisis on the Right: Plancenoit 1815 is a two player wargame at the division/brigade level simulating the struggle that took place near the village of Plancenoit as part of larger Battle of Waterloo. The game puts the Prussian IV Corps against Napoleons right flank and rear units.

The game is played over 12 turns in which players rally troops, place reinforcements, bombard their opponent, move troops, and conduct combat.

Victory is determined by control of key areas and number of troops activated. Napoleon wanted to save as many men as possible for his main fight against the Allied forces so the Prussian player earns victory points based on how many of Napoleon's troops are activated. ]]>
2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_60 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2010s Default Title 82.95 41259666931763 3022 2023-04-07T03:55:25-04:00 2023-04-07T03:55:25-04:00 Caribbean Storm: Honduras 2009 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Caribbean Storm: Honduras 2009 is a simulation of a hypothetical conflict based on the constitutional crisis in Honduras in 2009. The Honduran army has removed President Manuel Zelaya by coup d’état and Venezuela, with Cuban and Nicaraguan political and military support, has decided to restore him by force. Signs of an impending attack have alerted the Honduran military. A grand tactical game of modern-era conflict, Caribbean Storm is played by two players or it can be played solitaire.

Game components consist of the following items. Note that Honduran units have a blue background and Venezuelan units have a yellow background.

—description from the publisher

Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Aug 3 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-New-Jul-31-Aug-6-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Year Published_2010s Default Title 79.95 41259666800691 3022 2023-04-07T03:52:47-04:00 2023-04-07T03:52:47-04:00 Anzio: The Fight For The Beachhead Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2

from site

Anzio: The Fight For The Beachhead is a solitaire or two-player mini-game that simulates at the division level the battle of Anzio. The goal of the Anzio-Nettuno amphibious landings and the resulting so-called battle of Anzio, January - May, 1944, was to outflank the German Winter Line and open the way to Rome. A major battle of World War Two, the initial landings were unopposed. Instead, the resulting fight developed to keep the beachhead.

Third Edition:

Game Features
Solitaire Rules
Off-Map Bombardment
German Air Attacks
12 Turns
Initiative Checks

Game Components
​17" x 11" Game Board
41 5-8" Mounted, Die-Cut Counters and Markers
8-Page Color Rulebook ]]>
Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Aug 3 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-New-Jul-31-Aug-6-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-A Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Year Published_2000s Default Title 79.95 41259666669619 3022 2023-04-07T03:49:12-04:00 2023-04-07T03:49:12-04:00 Albuera 1811 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 94.95

Designer David Kershaw
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

The Battle of Albuera has gone down in history as the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Peninsular War. Marshal Soult thought he could roll up a mixed Spanish/British/Portuguese force and claim a great French victory. He was wrong. A clever flank attack was stopped dead by some of the best Spanish troops of the war. Then, despite a devastating charge by his fearsome Polish Lancers, the Allies held firm and Soult's efforts were in vain.

Lines of Battle is a new series, of which Albuera 1811 is the first game. It features a fresh take on Napoleonic gaming where the essence of Napoleonic combat is distilled into an enjoyable and interactive battle experience - you can feint, outflank, form square, charge with cavalry, bombard, withdraw - it's all here.

As well as the historical battle, Albuera 1811 contains optional rules for Leaders (counters included), and you can construct any number of scenarios based on a combination of "what if" optional rules.

—description from the publisher

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-A Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230409 Year Published_2010s Default Title 94.95 41259666538547 3022 2021-10-24T23:06:27-04:00 2021-10-24T23:06:27-04:00 In the Name of Justice: The Battle of Lewes, 1264 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designer Dale G. Gutt
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2
Playing Time 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

Earl Simon Montfort had gathered an army of dissatisfied rebel barons and, by stealing a march, had surprised the royal forces under King Henry III at the small East Sussex town of Lewes. The Battle of Lewes was the first on English soil in nearly fifty years and was the last "gentlemanly" conflict.

"In the NAME of JUSTICE: The Battle of Lewes, 1264" is a grand tactical wargame simulation of low complexity about this 13th century battle in the "Second Baron’s War". It is regarded as a hallmark in the political evolution of the English monarchy and part of the struggle to limit royal power in England.

Extensive research was done to provide an accurate and historical account of the battle. Unit types include cavalry, infantry, archers and even staff slingers.

Players represent either King Henry III or Earl Simon Montfort and their subordinate leaders. The battle takes place during the hours of May 14th and concludes when King Henry III or Simon Montfort is captured, or a moral victory is declared if Simon evades capture.

The game uses a chit-pull mechanism, which makes for increased replayability and helps simulate the chaos and drama of medieval combat. Many historical and what-if optional rules are included so replay value is enhanced, allowing the battle to be explored in greater detail.

"For what is more right than law, whereby all things are ruled? And what is more true than justice, whereby matters are decided?"
-- The Song of Lewes, 1264 --

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-I Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230409 Restock-20231105 Year Published_2020s Default Title 79.95 3022 2021-09-07T15:01:09-04:00 2021-09-07T15:01:09-04:00 Claws of the Tiger: The Japanese Invasion of Malaya 1941-1942 Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 82.95

Designer Stephen Pole
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1-2
Suggested Age 14 and up

Claws of the Tiger: Malaya 1941-1942 is a two-player, beer-and-pretzels game based on the December 1941 Japanese invasion of Malaya. One player controls the forces of Imperial Japan; the other plays those of the British Commonwealth.

The game reflects the advantages enjoyed by the Japanese during the invasion in terms of command and control, equipment and training, and air superiority. Perhaps the primary reason for the so-called “worst disaster” in British military history, however, was the contrast between the effective and efficient strategic and tactical decisions taken by the Japanese high command and the ill-advised choices made by their British counterparts. The latter were simply unprepared for “modern” warfare.

In the game such decisions are the preserve of players who are likely to be better matched and, of course, under far less duress than the historical commanders. It is for this reason that the Victory Conditions are set so that the Japanese can win the game even if they do not replicate their historical achievement of capturing Singapore in 70 days.

Game Components:
One 17” x 21” Hexagonal Game Map
15 British and Japanese Force Counters
Two Force Detail Sheets
127 Force Detail Markers
Nine Activation Markers
Two Tactical Detail Sheets
12 Tactical Detail Markers
One Game Turn Marker
Four Fortified Hex Markers
Eight Solitaire Variant Excluded Force Counters
Extended Example of Play

Game Features:
16 Game Turns
Force Movement and Combat
8-Page Rules Book
Optional Rules
176 Counters and Markers
Movement by Sea
Passable and Unpassable Terrain
British Fortified Hexes
Air Support
British and Japanese Reinforcements
Army Supply
Solitaire Optional Variant

-description from publisher's website

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Year Published_2020s Default Title 82.95 39522619293747 3135 2020-12-01T00:19:15-05:00 2020-12-01T00:19:15-05:00 The Mission: Early Christianity from the Crucifixion to the Crusades Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 79.95

Designers Ben Madison
Stefan Nellen
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1
Playing Time 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Jesus asked his disciples: “When the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” (Luke 18:8, NLT) That question is the premise behind The Mission.

The Mission: Early Christianity from the Crucifixion to the Crusades is a “grand strategy” solitaire game covering 1,200 years of Christian history on a map of the ancient Mediterranean, Near East, Europe and Africa. While the secular world of empires and politics plays out around you, your missionaries spread the Christian faith and convert areas of the map to your new religion. Each turn covers decades, and the flow of play will teach players about the expansion and doctrinal battles of early Christianity while you build institutions to educate, heal, and inspire the societies you touch.

Apostles and brilliant theologians will help you evangelize, but you will come to rely on the Roman/Byzantine state and Christian kingdoms to establish and defend the faith. Heresies and schisms in the Church will try to thwart your plans. Pressing against you are barbarian hordes, some of which you may convert; but the armies of Islam will emerge as the game changes from one of missionary outreach to one of self-preservation, as Christian communities hunker down for survival during the long Dark Ages. At the end, you will rise up in a blaze of glory as the Christian world finally fights back using Crusaders and the Spanish Reconquista to recover lost provinces!

Beginners and experienced gamers will find this an intriguing and very different sort of game. It’s a war of ideas, but it’s still a wargame, where managing scarce resources (including holy relics!) and making shrewd strategic decisions are the keys to victory. Can you build a strong, united and prosperous Christendom?

—description from the publisher

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 15 2023 Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Arrival_Aug 22 2024 Arrival_Aug 25 2024 Arrival_Aug 9 2024 Arrival_Jul 14 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Thematic Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230430 Restock-20240204 Year Published_2020s Default Title 79.95 32553346400307 3135 2020-05-12T17:31:47-04:00 2020-05-12T17:31:47-04:00 1944: War in the West Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 94.95

Designer Stephen Pole
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 2
Playtime 90-180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

1944: War in the West is a beer-and-pretzels, two-player game based upon the Allied liberation of Western Europe in 1944 - 45. One player controls the Allied forces, the other the Germans. Command and supply play an important role in the game as it did in the historical conflict. The geographic scope of the game is from Cherbourg, France to Vienna and from Arnhem to Florence, Italy.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BF-2020 BF-2023 BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0 INV-0-L Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230618 Sale Type_Regular Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 94.95 32031363235891 3589 2019-03-20T14:25:17-04:00 2019-03-20T14:25:17-04:00 Don't Tread On Me: The American Revolution Solitaire Board Game Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Ben Madison
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1
Playtime  240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Don't Tread On Me is a strategic-level solitaire simulation of the American Revolution, published by White Dog Games. Based on the popular Vietnam Solitaire: Special Edition game system from White Dog Games, "DTOM" was designed by R. Ben Madison and developed by Wes Erni. The player of this solitaire game plays the British side along with American "Loyalist" forces against the A.I. forces of George Washington and the Continental Congress. The game features a number of innovative elements including political control, state loyalty levels (which can change), and an off-map system to show the presence of militia forces in a battle.

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-D Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230409 Restock-20231126 Year Published_2010s Default Title 89.95 16733066887219 3022 2019-03-14T23:18:46-04:00 2019-03-14T23:18:46-04:00 Dog Sector Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 82.95

Designer Barry Kendall
Michael W. Kennedy
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1
Playtime 90 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

Dog Sector is a beer-and-pretzels level, solitaire war game that simulates the famous WW II Normandy amphibious landing in 1944. American forces from off-map transports assault the beach. Those units not swamped during the approach attempt to move up the beach toward the German-occupied bluffs, clearing obstacles as they advance. Some units (tanks, sharpshooters, bazookas) execute ranged fire at fortified German units. Naval Forward Observers guide ship-to-shore fire support. The Player’s assault force faces German defensive fire (solitaire, system-controlled) from machine guns and anti-tank emplacements, panzerfaust and rifle fire, as well as off-map German artillery. When the bluffs are reached, American units must clear the trenches by assault. The game tension is visceral as your brave Joes are pinned down or hit by the intense German fire. You’ll grit your teeth as a Combat Engineer team deploys Bangalore torpedoes to clear obstacles while under fire, and cheer when a German unit is taken out by a tank or by a ship’s guns directed by one of your forward observers. How many sections of German trench will your men be able to clear in the twelve, heart-pounding game turns? Will you be a private or a colonel at the end of the game? Good luck, soldier!

—description from the publisher

1-Player-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-D Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230618 Restock-20240107 Year Published_2010s Default Title 82.95 16518876332083 3211 2019-03-11T05:21:18-04:00 2019-03-11T05:21:18-04:00 N: The Napoleonic Wars Board Games White Dog Games

Vendor: White Dog Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Ben Madison
Stefan Nellen
Publisher White Dog Games
Players 1
Playtime 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

A solitaire game of the Napoleonic Wars, based on the designer's Don't Tread on Me (White Dog Games). You play the monarchist Coalitions, led by Britain, and the game's A.I. plays Napoleonic France.

The game is grand-strategic; each turn covers an average of two years' real time. Your goal is to force Napoleon to abdicate, through a combination of military defeats in Europe (using your armies), and military/diplomatic defeats overseas (spending cash and diplomatic assets in a series of semi-random overseas campaigns including Ireland, Egypt, the Balkans, Senegal and the War of 1812). At the end of Turn 16 (1818-1821), if you have not defeated Napoleon, then Napoleon dies of natural causes and an exhausted Europe makes peace with his son, and you lose the game.

As a solitaire game, it is full of random events and unexpected challenges for the player, as you -- the British -- attempt to hold your unwieldy coalition together and prioritize your various budgets to win naval battles, overseas campaigns, and subsidize the various minor states of Europe whose armies are key to victory.

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Nov 4 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230409 Restock-20240204 Year Published_2010s Default Title 89.95 WDG-N-BOX 3022