vaibhavhospital 2020-05-19T02:34:22-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2020-05-19T02:34:22-04:00 2020-05-19T02:34:22-04:00 Karuba Junior Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 41.99

Designers Rüdiger Dorn
Tim Rogasch
Publisher HABA
Players 1-4
Playing Time 5-10 mins
Suggested Age 4 and up

Note: This game includes English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish.

Karuba Junior is a cooperative tile-placement adventure game in which players search for treasures in the jungle on the island of Karuba with three brave adventurers. Will you manage to place the path tiles so that you reach all the treasures before the mean pirates raid the island? You need to work together and be careful of tigers that block the paths. With skill and a bit of luck, you'll be faster than the pirates!

1. Turn over tiles and build paths
2. Find the treasures
3. Be faster than the pirates and don't lose the way in the jungle

Age_3+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Children Category_Cooperative Children's Games Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-K Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2010s Default Title 41.99 HAB303613 1587 2017-02-01T00:54:00-05:00 2017-02-01T00:54:00-05:00 Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erbe Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 33.99

Designer Tim Rogasch
Publisher HABA - Habermaaß GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 30 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Lady Richmond - Fast fight for inheritance! is a fast auction game in which players bid for the inheritance of Lady Richmond. Bid, cheat, and acquire the most valuable pieces to win the game.

English publisher's text:
... There's excitement at the Wetherby auction house. After the unexpected passing of wealthy Lady Richmond, her estate is being auctioned off. The player who keeps an overview of the auction chaos and uses their money carefully will manage to secure the best items and win the turbulent game.
Bid, cheat, and grab the inheritance ... Lady Richmond offers excitement to the very end!

1. The game board slowly fills up with valuable heirlooms – but also with worthless junk.

2. Be quick: Grab the auction block at the right moment and make the first bid.

3. But bidding is not everything: Use the cheat tiles and irritate the other players!

German publisher's text:
... Hochspannung im Auktionshaus Wetherby. Nachdem die reiche Lady Richmond unerwartet dahingeschieden ist, wird nun der Nachlass versteigert. Wer im Getümmel der Auktion die Übersicht behält und sein Geld mit Bedacht einsetzt, schafft es am Ende, sich die besten Stücke zu sichern und die turbulente Zockerei zu gewinnen.
Ein rasantes Versteigerungsspiel.
Hochspannung bis zum Schluss!

Age 6+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-0-L INV-L Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 33.99 HAB302355 1285 2017-02-01T00:52:00-05:00 2017-02-01T00:52:00-05:00 Little Bird, Big Hunger Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 20.99

Designer Tim Rogasch
Publisher HABA - Habermaaß GmbH
Players 2-4
Playtime 10-15 mins
Suggested Age 3 and up
Honors 2017 Kinderspiel des Jahres Recommended

Description from the publisher:

"Ah, what’s hatching over there? Four small cheeky chicks are beginning to poke through their shells and immediately they have an enormous appetite. Only one thing will help – food! But watch out. The roll of the die will decide what the chicks can be fed and how quickly they will grow. Which of them will be the first to grow into a stately little bird?
A cheerfully cheeky collecting game."

1. Roll the die.

2. What feed symbol does the die show?(worm, fly, berries, or seeds)All the children look to see whether the corresponding feed symbol is pictured on their meadow, that is, whether their chick would like to eat the corresponding feed.
The children may take one matching feed dish from the middle. Cover the feed symbol on there meadow with the feed dish.

3. Your chick is full when you have collected all the feed dishes for it. Place all the dishes from your meadow back into the middle. Turn the card over and cover up the little chick with the pictured larger chick.
The chick has grown larger but it is still hungry.

4. The first child to turn over his or her last card and cover up all the other cards with the little bird pictured on it wins the game. His or her bird is now full-fledged and flies out into the world.

ASM-CLEARANCE-20230711 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Children Children's Games Children-Games Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-L Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Sale Type_Regular Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 20.99 HAB302703 793 2017-02-01T00:51:00-05:00 2017-02-01T00:51:00-05:00 Hamster Clan (aka Hamsterbande) Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 25.49

Designer Tim Rogasch
Publisher HABA - Habermaaß GmbH
Players 1-4
Playtime 10 mins
Suggested Age 4 and up

Bring the right provisions to the right larder in Hamsterbande using the lift, the wheel, the gondola, and the trolley before winter comes.


German publisher's text:
Die Hamster tollen durch ihren Bau, fahren den Aufzug hinauf und hinunter, toben durchs Laufrad und flitzen auf der Gondel und der Lore hin und her. Doch es ist Herbst und Zeit, Vorräte anzulegen. Schaffen es die Hamster, alle Karotten, den Klee und die Getreideähren in die richtigen Vorratsräume zu bringen, bevor die Blätter vom Baum gefallen sind und sich der Igel im Laubhaufen versteckt hat?
Ein wuseliges Sammel- und Kooperationsspiel.
• einzigartiger Spielplan mit beweglichen Elementen
• auch toll allein spielbar

Age_3+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Children Category_Cooperative Children-Games Google-True INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 25.49 HAB302702 964 2016-08-15T21:48:00-04:00 2016-08-15T21:48:00-04:00 My Very First Game - Hanna Honeybee Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 34.99

Designer Tim Rogasch
Publisher HABA - Habermaaß GmbH
Players 1-4
Playtime 5-10 mins
Suggested Age 2 and up

Description from the publisher:

Hanna Honeybee flies over the colorful wildflower meadow. And just like a busy bee, she collects loads of nectar to bring back to the hive. Hanna’s friends are waiting to turn the nectar into wonderfully sweet honey. Who will help Hanna to make enough honey to fill the whole honey pot?

In this game you have 10 disks each with a colored flower on one side and a drop of honey on the other side. When you insert a disk flower side up into the top slot of the beehive it comes out of the bottom slot with the honey side up. It also comes with a honeypot board with 6 spaces on it to put the drops of honey when they come out of the beehive. There is also a die with the flower colors for faces. You roll the die and pick out that colored flower disk, insert it into the beehive then place it honey side up onto the honey pot board, if the flower symbol comes up on the die discard a disk. If you run out of disks before the honeypot is filled you lose, fill up the honey pot and you win.

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Children Children's Games Children-Games Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-M INV-M-Z Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220311 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2010s Default Title 34.99 HAB302199 1323