vaibhavhospital 2024-09-03T11:22:53-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2024-09-03T11:22:53-04:00 2024-09-03T11:22:53-04:00 Grand Illusion: Mirage of Glory, 1914 *PRE-ORDER* Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 56.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Suggested Age 12

The German invasion of France and Belgium in 1914, the opening campaign of World War One, is one of the most dramatic in history: the famed German Schlieffen Plan, the infamous French Plan 17, the turn of the tide that was "the Miracle of the Marne," the series of outflanking moves in the" Race to the Sea," the death of the "old Contemptibles" of the BEF at First Ypres. It was the campaign that failed to end the First World War "before the leaves fell," dooming the old Europe of kings and emperors to slow suicide in the trenches of the western front. And leaving men to wonder ever after-could the outcome have been different?

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Pre-order BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-0-L INV-G NewProduct Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-Not-International Year Published_2000s Default Title 56.95 35398189965 2153 2024-07-02T10:28:08-04:00 2024-07-02T10:28:08-04:00 I, Napoleon Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1
Playtime 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

I, Napoleon is a solitaire historical role-playing card game in which you step into the boots of Captain Buonaparte (as he still was) in the year 1793. Louis XVI has just gone to the guillotine, the brothers Robespierre control the destiny of France, and all Europe has joined French Royalists to take down France, end the Revolution, and restore peace and safety for the hereditary principles that have underlain society for 1000 years.

As an ambitious but unknown young artillery officer, who speaks French with a Corsican accent, you would seem to be an unlikely agent of destiny. Can you harness a brilliant mind, titanic energies, and a sometimes terrifying charisma to leave your mark on history? Or will you die a minor footnote in the story of France?

1-Player-Only Age_12+ Arrival-New-Aug-26-Sept-1-2024 Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Aug 29 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Discover BGG-Not-Set BGG-Set Category_Thematic INV-0-L INV-I Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240908 Stock_New Stock_Updates Default Title 72.95 2408 3697 2023-05-05T05:21:16-04:00 2023-05-05T05:21:16-04:00 The Deadly Woods: The Battle of the Bulge (Boxed Edition) Board Games Revolution Games (II)

Vendor: Revolution Games (II)
Type: Board Games
Price: 77.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher Revolution Games (II)
Players 2
Playtime 360-720 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Honor 2021 Charles S. Roberts Best Board Wargame Map Graphics Nominee

In December 1944 Hitler launched a massive offensive against the weakly held Ardennes forest section of the Allied front in Belgium. Achieving complete surprise, the Germans nevertheless faced tough resistance from the battle's opening days, and the offensive was virtually over 10 days after it began. There followed a bloody Allied counterattack which gradually erased the bulge the Germans had created in the Allied line.

But you probably know all that. Yet another Battle of the Bulge game? Why yes. But one with a different approach. Specifically, award-winning designer Ted S. Raicer has taken a modified version of the chit pull system pioneered in GMT's The Dark Valley: The East Front 1941-45 and brought it west for an exciting new take on this classic wargame subject.

The scale of the map (which takes up about 2/3rds of a standard 22” by 34” map sheet, the rest given to tracks, charts and tables) is at 3 miles to the hex. Allied units are mostly regiments and brigades, ,with most German armor and infantry divisions divided into two kampfgruppen (battle groups), German artillery, Greif commando teams, infantry trucks, and the Von der Heydte paratroop unit are included as Asset markers, as are Allied artillery, scratch units, and engineers.

The game runs from December 16 1944 to January 16 1945 when the Allies reunited their divided front by recapturing the key town of Houffalize. Each turn through December 31st equals 2 days and the turns in January are three days long. The full campaign lasts thirteen turns while a scenario for just the German offensive is six turns long. But with The Deadly Woods' chit system and its multiple Action Rounds, a lot can happen in only six turns.

Each side gets a number of Action Chits each turn, which vary both in number and type. These include multiple Reinforcement chits which determine the arrival Round (but not Turn) of Allied and German reinforcements. There are German Logistics Chits which introduce historical supply effects. There are Movement or Combat chits which allow a player to choose. There are also Movement chits and Combat chits which limit the Active Player to the capability listed on the chit. And there are special chits, such as the German 5th Panzer and Allied Patton chits that allow some combination of Movement and Combat.

After the Initiative Player chooses the first chit played, the remaining chits are drawn randomly from a cup. A player may draw up to two consecutive chits and then enemy player must get the next chit.

Armor is severely limited in moving through other units along roads and bridges and at projecting ZOC into woods terrain. Combat may result in losses, retreats, surrender, or stalemate.

Each turn should take roughly an hour for players who know the rules. The German Player can win an instant victory by exiting units off the north map edge west of the Meuse or by holding 5 objectives at the end of a turn. Otherwise the game is won on geographic Victory Points. (The Germans also gets Victory Points for crossing the Meuse in supply, even if they are forced back across the river, so he has a reason to push even when the arrival of the British makes an Instant Victory impossible.)

So another Bulge game, but one with the historical action and decisions of games with a much bigger footprint and playing time. And with a unique take on the chaos and friction of the battle that makes it a great choice for solo play. Even if you are bulged out, you'll want The Deadly Woods in your collection!

22" x 34" map
1.5 5/8" countersheets
Player aids
Game box or ziploc

-description from publisher ]]>
2-Players-Only 2023-SC-Overstock Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 26 2023 Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-May 6 2023 Arrival-New-May-1-7-2023 Arrival_Jul 26 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230514 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2020s Default Title 77.95 202101 2569 2021-07-06T11:35:40-04:00 2021-07-06T11:35:40-04:00 The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 52.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2

The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 is the latest in Ted S. Raicer's WWII operational series that began with The Dark Valley: The East Front Campaign 1941-45. The game uses a chit-pull activation system that determines both the order and type of each sides' actions during the game's ten action-packed turns, covering June 6 to August 21, 1944. The availability of Action Round chits (for the Germans, and separately for the British and US forces) is itself determined by the draw of Weather chits, one per turn, which reflect the importance of weather on the effectiveness of Allied air superiority and Allied shipping across the Channel. Weather also determines the number of German Reaction markers, which allow limited response to Allied actions. The "Dark" chit pull system makes The Dark Summer an excellent game for solo play, while keeping both players involved in face-to-face play.

The single map extends from just south of Cherbourg (itself covered by a Cherbourg Box) southwest to Avranches and southeast to Alencon, allowing players to recreate the entire campaign from D-Day to the closing of the Falaise gap in late August. Units are mostly regiment/brigades, with a few battalions, but German mechanized forces are presented as operational kampfgruppen.

Victory is determined by the Allies capturing Cherbourg, exiting units to Brittany and Paris, and preventing the exiting of German units, but the Allies win a sudden death victory if they capture all the cities on the map before Turn 10 and the Germans win a sudden death victory by closing down any three Allied Beaches, two of which must be contiguous. The unknown activation sequence means the Allies cannot take the safety of his landing beaches for granted in June!

The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 is a game of moderate complexity, but nevertheless covers all the most important elements of the campaign. There are rules for the D-Day Landings, untried German strong-points and Ost battalions, Allied tac-air and carpet bombing, Allied artillery superiority, German nebelwerfer and flak guns, Allied naval support, the conquest of Cherbourg, exiting and re-entering the map, and variable entry and possible delay of both side's reinforcements. A game on an epic campaign that is playable in a single day's gaming and with a small footprint that will allow it to be left set-up for solo study, The Dark Summer: Normandy 1944 is a must-have for fans of WWII operational games, the "Dark" system, or students of the campaign for northwest Europe.

—description from the publisher

Arrival-Apr 6 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220217 Restock-20220423 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 52.95 2101 2001 2020-12-01T00:11:47-05:00 2020-12-01T00:11:47-05:00 1918/1919: Storm in the West Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 52.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playing Time 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

This new GMT boxed version of 1918/1919: Storm in the West is a two-player system that also works fine for solo play. Units are mostly corps (divisions for the USA, whose oversized units were nearly the size of Allied corps), and include infantry, tanks, cavalry and air support. The Germans start the 1918 campaign with large numbers of Stosstruppen, trained to overcome the trench stalemate of the previous three years. This gives the German player a strong offensive capability in the first half of the game. But these “shock troops” are a wasting asset, and if the Allies survive the initial blows, growing numbers of US troops and Allied tanks will see the Germans forced into a desperate defense in the game's second half.

In the Plan 1919 campaign, the Germans are assumed to have used the collapse of Russia to stabilize the Balkan and Italian fronts, forgoing the historical 1918 Kaiser's Battles in the West. The Allies are thus faced with a strong German defense, but with a fully mobilized American army and backed by masses of tanks and planes. This hypothetical campaign challenges the Allies to leverage these arms into the world's first blitzkrieg, while the Germans fight to force a stalemate that will leave them dominant in Europe.

The large-hex map, scaled at 8 miles to the hex, covers the active area of the Western Front, from Epinal in the south to Antwerp and the Channel Coast in the north. Terrain includes Forts, Allied trenches, German Secondary and Primary Trenches, Forts, Forest, Marsh, Flood Plain, Mountain, and the Devastated Zone created by the German withdrawal in the Somme sector in 1917. The map is back-printed with separate versions for the 1918 and 1919 Campaigns.

Simple but not simplistic, this new GMT version of 1918/1919: Storm in the West can be played in a single session and offers players a wide range of strategic and operational choices in bloody but dynamic campaigns to decide the outcome of the First World War. With updated artwork by Mark Simonitch and Charlie Kibler, this new combined edition is a must for lovers of classic wargaming.

—description from the publisher

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Dec 3 2022 Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Jun 24 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 7 2022 Arrival-Oct 29 2022 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0 INV-0-L Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220213 Restock-20220404 Restock-20220906 Restock-20221030 Restock-20230129 Restock-20240101 Restock-20240303 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 52.95 2013 735 2018-12-06T00:40:47-05:00 2018-12-06T00:40:47-05:00 The Dark Valley (Deluxe Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 77.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 500 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

(from GMT website:)

The Dark Valley is a new game from award-winning designer Ted Raicer, focusing on the entire East Front campaign in World War II. The game components feature a beautiful map from Mark Mahaffey, stretching from Leningrad in the north to the Caucasus Mountains in the south, and around 600 counters representing every major unit that appeared during the course of the conflict. Initially most Soviet infantry are divisions, but as the game progresses these are replaced by armies and corps, so that players are not overwhelmed by the increasing Soviet Order of Battle. All German mechanized divisions are present in the game, while their infantry is a mix of division and corps.

Although the game is a semi-monster, and covers the entirety of the conflict from the launch of Barbarossa to the end of the war, the game system emphasizes playability rather than rules overhead, allowing the players to concentrate on strategy choices rather than rules minutiae.

The core of the game system is a “chit-pull” activation system. Each turn a variety of action chits are drawn, in a random order, from the Action Chit Pool, and it is this that determines the exact flow of operations on that turn. [...]

This chit-pull system imposes constant uncertainty upon the player and introduces considerable tension into the game. [...]

The Axis supply network, which imposed crucial restraints upon the effectiveness of the offensive, is represented using supply depot units.[...]

Besides the full campaign game, TDV features scenarios for Barbarossa, Case Blue, Kursk, and the Destruction of Army Group Center. Scenario start dates can also be used to explore shorter versions of the campaign.

The Dark Valley is designed to be playable and exciting, modeling the tension of the campaign elegantly and simply. The game also plays very well in solitaire mode due to the underlying chit-pull system. From the German blitzkrieg in 1941 to the blazing ruins of Berlin, The Dark Valley provides a truly new look at this much-gamed theater.

TIME SCALE: 1 or 2 months per turn
MAP SCALE: 20 miles per hex
UNIT SCALE: Divisions/Corps/Armies


Two 22x34" maps
Three sheets of 1/2 " counters
Four Player Aid Cards
Two 6-sided dice
Rules Booklet
Players Booklet

DESIGNER: Ted S. Raicer
DEVELOPER: Paul Marjoram
MAP ART: Mark Mahaffey
COUNTER ART: Charles Kibler

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Max Playtime_500 Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 77.95 15848993947699 2946 2018-11-05T15:22:31-05:00 2018-11-05T15:22:31-05:00 The Dark Sands Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 52.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Suggested Age 14 and up

The Dark Sands takes the game system from Ted S. Raicer’s sold-out and critically acclaimed The Dark Valley: The East Front Campaign to the legendary battles of North Africa in WWII. From the most successful British armored operation of the war, Operation Compass, to the climactic battle two years later at El Alamein, The Dark Sands breaks new ground in portraying the campaigns of the British 8th Army and Rommel’s Afrika Korps.

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Abstract Category_Wargames Google-True INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 52.95 15368462073907 2001 2018-09-25T15:35:20-04:00 2018-09-25T15:35:20-04:00 Paths of Glory (Deluxe Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 75.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 480 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Honors 2000 International Gamers Awards - Historical Simulation
1999 Charles S. Roberts Best Wargame Graphics Nominee
1999 Charles S. Roberts Best Pre-World War II Boardgame Winner
1999 Charles S. Roberts Best Pre-World War II Boardgame Nominee

Paths of Glory, designed by six-time Charles S. Roberts Award winner, Ted Raicer, allows players to step into the shoes of the monarchs and marshals who triumphed and bungled from 1914 to 1918. As the Central Powers you must use the advantage of interior lines and the fighting skill of the Imperial German Army to win your rightful “Place in the Sun." As the Entente Powers (Allies) you must bring your greater numbers to bear to put an end to German militarism and ensure this is “The War to End All Wars." Both players will find their generalship and strategic abilities put to the test as Paths of Glory's innovative game systems let you recreate all the dramatic events of World War I.

This is the Sixth Printing of designer Ted Raicer’s award-winning classic card-driven game of the Great War.  More than just a reprint, it is a Deluxe Edition, sure to delight players new and old.  Polished by years of passionate play and heated discussion; this Deluxe Edition will apply the learnings of the past two decades to the rules, enhance game balance based on thousands of competitive playings, and take the physical components to a new level.  As a bonus, this edition includes both the classic AND the historical scenario map used in today’s competitive play, adds the additional counters and strategy cards first released in the Paths of Glory Player’s Guide, and provides a carefully curated set of markers to enhance face to face play.  

2-Players-Only 2023-BF-Overstock-Restore Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Aug 13 2023 Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Aug 30 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Feb 7 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-3-9-2023 Arrival_Aug 18 2024 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BF-2023-Overstock-10 BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230409 Restock-20230604 Restock-20231203 Restock-20240211 Restock-20240630 Restock-20240721 Year Published_1990s Default Title 75.95 1813-22 1814 2018-02-13T23:04:51-05:00 2018-02-13T23:04:51-05:00 Fall Of The Third Reich Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 360-600 mins
Suggested Age 16 and up

Description from the publisher:

From award-winning designer Ted S. Raicer, The Fall of the Third Reich covers the dramatic last two years of WWII in Europe, as the Western Allies and the Soviet Union fight against fierce German resistance to bring down the Thousand-Year Reich.

The time is July, 1943. From the beaches of Sicily to the plains of central Russia, millions of men are poised to decide the fate of Europe and bring about the end of WWII...

Two large hex maps cover Europe from France to Central Russia, and Leningrad to Sicily. Units are Armies, Corps, and in a few cases, Divisions. There are twelve two-month turns.

Those turns play quickly, and yet there is a lot of subtlety within each one, with rules for both reaction and exploitation. Getting the most out of the various movement segments is essential for both players: as the Axis for plugging gaps in the front line, and as the Allies for exploiting every last opportunity to move ever further into the Third Reich proper. But the German player will quickly learn that a passive defense is doomed to fail, and that selective counterattacks are vital to hold the enemy at bay.

The game includes rules for Soviet and German Command (Stavka), while the effects of Hitler's increasing interference in military affairs is presented through a rule which requires the German player to use OKW (West Front Headquarters) or OKH (East Front HQ) to be able to retreat infantry units from an enemy ZOC.

While the Soviets and Germans begin the game locked in a death struggle at Kursk, the Allies face the early dilemma of where to invade, with a choice of invasion sites ranging from Holland to Greece. Knock Italy out of the war or Second Front Now! in Northwest Europe: the choices are yours.

Supply rules have been kept as simple as possible, while still modeling the historic importance of logistics. The Western Allies in particular will learn the importance of ports in supplying their armies, and have to base their strategy around them.

Perhaps most significantly, the game effectively models the Strategic Air War over Europe with only a few simple rules and a handful of counters. But though easy to learn, this ‘game within a game’ can have a dramatic impact upon the course of the war, as the Allies must prioritize their air resources while the Luftwaffe struggles both to slow the Allied air offensive and support the German armies in the field. The challenges are numerous and subtle.

Other rules cover variable (and degrading) German troop strength, Allied Airborne drops, Strategic Transit, Forts, Yugoslav Partisans, and Axis Minor Powers, including Italian Surrender

The game can be played by two (Axis and Allied/Soviet) or three players (Axis, Allied and Soviet) but also works well solo. The Fall of the Third Reich is a game of large scope and nail-biting decisions, combining fidelity to history with a fun playable game system."

Product Information
Complexity: 5 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10
Time Scale: 1 turn = 2 months
Map Scale: 1 hex = 30 miles
Unit Scale: Armies, Corps and some Divisions
Players: Best with 2 players but can be played well with 3 players or solitaire
Playing Time: 6-10 hours

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 89.95 6815164104755 3400 2017-03-15T16:40:00-04:00 2017-03-15T16:40:00-04:00 Stalin's War Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 29.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

From Ted Raicer the award-winning designer of Paths of Glory and World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin comes a fresh new look at the most titanic and brutal land campaign ever waged, the war between Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union.

Stalin's War is a unique card-driven, hex-based game, a combination that allows players to experience a broad range of strategic and tactical options as they maneuver their forces across a large hex map that stretches from Berlin to the Urals.

Stalin's War allows player to recreate WWII's greatest battles of encirclement as Axis Armies and Panzer Corps clash with Soviet Fronts and Armies on a front a thousand miles wide. Simple but effective rules allow you to use your mechanized forces to blitz the enemy's front line and exploit deep into your opponent's rear. Can you as the Soviets survive the slashing Panzer attacks of Operation Barbarossa and Case Blue in 1941 and 1942? Can you as the Axis player stand against the crushing Soviet Deep Battle operations that destroyed Army Group Center in 1944? Stalin's War will test both player's operational skills to the limit.

But there is more to Stalin's War than directing your forces on the map. Both sides have their own deck of 55 cards, needed to launch offensive operations, mobilize their forces, replace losses, introduce new weapons, and deal with the larger strategic context of a World at War. Card Events include combat leaders, weapons (from German Tiger Tanks to patriotic Soviet mice nibbling the electrical wiring of the panzers), the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, Manstein's Backhand Blow, Stalin's and Hitler's meddling, the Battle of the Bulge, and much more.

Stalin's War allows players to combine the best of WWII operational play with the strategic depth and tactical chrome of a card driven design. A genuine new look the the most important theater of WWII, this is a game you want to play again and again.

(Taken from rear of the game box)

In addition to the full campaign game, a shorter tournament scenario is included that comprises 8 game turns and covers the time period of June 1941 through to Winter 1943.

Link to Stalin's War page on the GMT Website.
An interview on Boardgame News with Ted Raicer regarding the game.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 29.95 34157141453 1132 2016-12-31T01:43:00-05:00 2016-12-31T01:43:00-05:00 Clash of Giants: Civil War Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Suggested Age 12 and up

Clash of Giants: Civil War takes the game system from Ted S. Raicer’s popular and critically acclaimed Clash of Giants WWI series to two of the storied battles of the American Civil War: Second Bull Run and Gettysburg. CoG: Civil War uses a modified version of the chit-pull Activation system of Clash of Giants II: Campaigns of Galicia and First Ypres, 1914, while retaining the CoG combat system. Every (mostly brigade-level) unit has a Tactical Efficiency Rating based on its morale, training, leadership, and experience, but even a poor unit can have a heroic moment, while the Iron Brigade might not always be made of iron. It is a true player’s system, which produces realistic results without a lot of fiddly procedures, and allows players to concentrate on the game rather than the rules.
Units in CoG: Civil War are mostly infantry brigades, (with the odd cavalry brigade or demi-brigade). Each day is divided into four day turns and one night turn. The maps depict woods, hills, steep hexsides, railway cuts and embankments, roads, rivers, creeks, bridges, towns, marshy ground, and the Devil’s Den at Gettysburg.
The Activation rules, which combines random formation activation (mostly corps for the Union and divisions for the Confederates) with variable movement allowances, creates the fog of war and friction so important to Civil War battles. Ordering your corps commander to take a hill is one thing-getting him to act as you wish is another. And because these effects are achieved without hidden counter/dummy unit mechanics, CoG: Civil War is not only a fast-paced two-player game, but excellent as well for solo play. Some Activation markers also allow you to coordinate more than one formation, such as Longstreet at Gettysburg. But don’t expect Old Pete to do so early in the day!

One thing that speeds play in CoG: Civil War is the unusual treatment of artillery. There are no artillery units depicted; instead artillery appears as Combat Support Markers which are added (attacker first) to the combat strength of engaged units. Artillery CSMs are generally assigned to a specific division or corps, though army reserve artillery can be used to support any units. Artillery cannot be used in combat in certain terrain (woods or town hexes), but there are no line of sight considerations to slow down play or complicate the rules. Instead both line of sight and enemy counter-battery fire are handled with an elegant abstraction: each turn all available artillery CSMs of both sides go into a cup, and then half are randomly drawn. Whatever comes out of the cup is available for use that turn, so the player with more artillery on the field is more likely to get artillery support. This also allows a simple way to model the effectiveness of the Union Artillery Reserve at Gettysburg; once arrived, these markers never go in the cup, and are always available for use. Overall, CoG: Civil War’s portrait of artillery as an occasionally decisive but definitely secondary arm is arguabley more realistic than many more complicated designs.
The two battles, Second Bull Run and Gettysburg, depict one of Lee’s greatest victories, prior to his first invasion of the north, and his greatest defeat during his second invasion. Both are meeting engagements, with limited forces deployed at the start, gradually building to mighty clashes. The arrival of fresh forces is another area where the game system allows variability: units may be delayed or arrive at the wrong road. You can even attempt to speed the arrival of your off-board forces, but at increased risk of their arriving later instead.

Winning involves a combination of taking and holding victory hexes, exiting units, and inflicting casualties. You can also earn victory points to compensate for units whose arrival is delayed-but only if you didn’t try to force march them to an earlier arrival! Players will have to judge trading losses for taking or holding tactically important ground.

Special rules cover such things as General Pope’s confused and confusing orders at Second Bull Run, the Confederate grand battery on the third day at Gettysburg, the use of the Union VI Corps as a reserve in both battles, cavalry delaying actions and retreat before combat, rallying units at night, and the actions of certain key leaders. But though there is enough chrome to give each battle a distinctive flavor, the action remains uncluttered, quick-playing, and exciting.
Not simply “another Civil War battle system,” CoG: Civil War presents a fresh new look at an oft-game topic. Giving each side a chance to change history in an afternoon’s gaming, the use of the Clash of Giants system also shows the sometimes surprising links between the battles of the Civil War and the opening battles of the Great War 50 years later. Fans of either the Civil War or the Clash of Giants series will not be disappointed.

Age_9+ Arrival-Feb 2 2024 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Arrival-Sept 22 2022 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220929 Restock-20221201 Restock-20230507 Restock-20230625 Restock-20240101 Restock-20240630 Restock-20240811 Stock_Updates Year Published_2010s Default Title 59.95 1603 2153 2015-03-09T07:21:00-04:00 2015-03-09T07:21:00-04:00 Paths of Glory (Standard Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 54.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 480 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion CDG Solo System

They called it the Great War. In over four years of titanic struggle, the ancient Europe of Kings and Emperors tore itself to pieces, giving birth to our own violent modern age. The bloody battles fought in the trenches of the Western Front, the icy plains of Poland, the mountains of the Balkans, and the deserts of Arabia, shaped the world we know today. We are all orphans of the Great War.

Paths of Glory: The First World War, designed by six-time Charles S. Roberts awards winner, Ted Raicer, allows players to step into the shoes of the monarchs and marshals who triumphed and bungled from 1914 to 1918. As the Central Powers you must use the advantage of interior lines and the fighting skill of the Imperial German Army to win your rightful 'place in the sun.' As the Entente Powers (Allies) you must bring your greater numbers to bear to put an end to German militarism and ensure this is the war 'to end all wars.' Both players will find their generalship and strategic abilities put to the test as Paths of Glory's innovative game systems let you recreate all the dramatic events of World War I.


  • 316 full-color die-cut counters:
    • 176 5/8” die cut counters
    • 140 1/2” die cut counters
  • One 22x34" full-color mapsheet showing most of Europe and the Near East
  • 110 Strategy Cards
  • 32-page Rule Book including sample game replay (21 pages of actual rules)
  • Two Player Reference Cards


DESIGNER: Ted Raicer
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan
MAP ART: Mark Simonitch
CARDS & COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_1990s Default Title 54.95 1113095741 2077 2014-09-26T07:09:00-04:00 2014-09-26T07:09:00-04:00 1914: Glory's End / When Eagles Fight Board Games 2F-Spiele

Vendor: 2F-Spiele
Type: Board Games
Price: 50.95

Designer Ted Raicer
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 180/240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Two games in one package.

1914: Glory's End

Before the award-winning World War I designs Paths of Glory and The Great War In Europe, Deluxe Edition, designer Ted S. Raicer had revived interest in gaming the Great War with a series of WWI campaign games for the late lamented Command magazine. GMT is proud to present a set of revised boxed editions of these classic “players-games”.

In August 1914, Imperial Germany gambled its future on a rapid conquest of France, designed to free up the German army within six weeks to face the Russian steamroller of France’s Tsarist ally on the eastern front. Seven German armies deployed opposite five French armies, the army of “plucky little Belgium”, and the “Old Contemptibles” of the British Expeditionary Force in a series of battles that turned August and September 1914 into the bloodiest months of the entire war.

1914: Glory’s End covers the first three months of the Great War on the western front, from the Guns of August to First Ypres. This oft-gamed campaign receives a unique treatment, emphasizing playability without compromising on historical feel. Units are mostly corps of four steps (two counters per unit), along with a few especially strong (or weak) brigades and divisions, along with counters for the feared German Krupp and Skoda guns. The corps level Order of Battle accurately reflects the operational doctrine of the campaign, while also limiting the number of counters on the map to an easy-to-manage level.

The game scale is 9.5 miles per hex and three days per turn. The campaign game runs a full 30 turns, but the new edition will include not only a previously published mini-scenario on the Battle of the Marne, but a short ten turn campaign scenario covering the decisive opening weeks of the war. In addition the campaign games can be played in historical or free set-up versions.

1914: Glory’s End uses an Igo-Hugo system with two types of combat to demonstrate the tactical realities of the campaign: Prepared Combat and March Combat. Prepared Combat allows you to bring all your adjacent units to bear against a defending hex, but only with units that don’t move. This gives the defender time to reinforce, retreat, or pre-empt your combat with his own attack. To avoid this, you can “attack off the march” during your movement, but March Combat may only be delivered by a single stack at a time, limiting the force you can bring to bear. Furthermore, March Combat cannot be used against entrenched enemy units.

The coming of trench warfare is reflected by a unique Entrenchment rule: starting on turn 10 players may entrench one or two hexes per turn, PLUS any hexes adjacent to enemy trenches. The result is that trenches appear first as a tactical consideration, but then turn into a strategic problem as they spread with ever-increasing rapidity along the front.

1914: Glory’s End manages to cover all the important characteristics of the campaign (with rules for forts, cavalry, command and control breakdowns, supply, strategic rail movement, Allied sea movement, German forced marching, Plan XVII, Paris in Danger! and more) while remaining easy to play. The new GMT version will of course incorporate all errata from the original edition, but adds updated artwork, a corrected historical campaign Order of Battle, additional scenarios, and a tweaked set of rules.

When Eagles Fight

Before the award-winning World War I designs Paths of Glory and The Great War In Europe, Deluxe Edition, designer Ted S. Raicer had revived interest in gaming the Great War with a series of WWI campaign games for the late lamented Command magazine. GMT is proud to present a set of revised boxed editions of these classic “players-games”.

Winner of the Charles S. Roberts award for best pre-WWII boardgame, When Eagles Fight covers the eastern front in World War I, the last war of Tsarist Russia, Habsburg Austria, and Imperial Germany. From 1914 to 1917 the armies of the Tsar battled from the Carpathians to the Baltic against the outnumbered but logistically superior German army and the badly-led multi-ethnic forces of Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers). Though repeatedly inflicting massive defeats on the Habsburg armies, the Russians were ultimately undone by the skill and firepower of the German army and the collapsing political structure of the Tsarist autocracy. By March 1917 the 300 year-old Romanov dynasty was no more, and the stage was set for the coming of Lenin and the Bolsheviks. But the empire of the Habsburgs was left mortally wounded, and the Kaiser’s Germany would meet its own doom less than two years later on the battlefields of the western front.

When Eagles Fight recreates this titanic struggle from the initial clashes at Tannenberg and in Galicia to the revolution that brought down Tsar Nicholas II. The large-hex map covers the eastern front of the Great War from the northern tip of Romania to Petrograd, and from Berlin to Smolensk at a scale of 25 miles to the hex. Turns represent one or two months, and combat units range from division to (mostly) corps.

When Eagles Fight has a set of low-complexity rules, without sacrificing the historical elements of this unique theater of the Great War. The combat results table is bloody and attritional, but allows for breakthroughs with the right tactics or artillery support. The greater operational skills of the German army is shown in the use of the OberOst HQ, which allows additional attacks on a select part of the front. The Russian supreme headquarters, Stavka, in turn has the ability to concentrate their limited supplies to overcome logistical shortages. And the surprise tactics of the Brusilov Offensive can allow a late game victory over the Austrians.

Other rules cover the slow pace of Russian mobilization, Austrian Lock-Step Planning in the opening days of the war, German heavy artillery, fortifications, Russian Guards forces, Cavalry Retreats, and the effects of events on other fronts.

But the new edition of When Eagles Fight is more than just a reprint of the original version. The Random Events Table has been exchanged for a system of random events chits allowing for more events. The effects if the Germans do not launch a Verdun offensive in France-which sometimes threw off the balance of the original design- have been revised. Changes in the stacking rules after 1914 more accurately reflect the effect of trenches on the course of the campaigns. And the map now contains the rail lines removed by Command from the first edition. The game also includes a short alternative-history scenario in which the bulk of the German army goes east rather than west in August 1914.

These changes make this an improved edition of an already award-winning design. Tense, historical, and just plain fun, When Eagles Fight is a game that belongs in the collection of everyone with an interest in the Great War!

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-0 INV-0-L Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Default Title 50.95 957521589 1926