vaibhavhospital 2022-07-04T07:08:35-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2022-07-04T07:08:35-04:00 2022-07-04T07:08:35-04:00 Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East Board Games Nuts! Publishing

Vendor: Nuts! Publishing
Type: Board Games
Price: 65.95

Designer Pierre Razoux
Publisher Nuts! Publishing
Players 2-6
Playtime 90-240 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Fitna: The Global War in the Middle East is a two- to six-player grand strategic level card-driven wargame depicting the military confrontations in the Middle East since 2012, up to the near future. Among 10 historical and hypothetical scenarios, players can simulate the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Kurdish Rebellion, the Sunni versus Shia confrontation as well as Russian, Turkish, Israeli and Western intervention in the region. ISIS troops are activated through Event cards.

This wargame allows you to have a clearer view of the local protagonists' goals and a real understanding of what is going on in this chaotic area. This is why it is used by experts and analysts of the French Ministry of Defence to test prospective scenarios, as the iconic “Gulf Strike” used to be by US experts to plan the Gulf War.

Each turn represents two months of real time and is divided into several phases allowing players to play events, to take reinforcements, to check supply, to spend operational points, to move units (mostly brigades and divisions) and to launch offensives. Each player gets 4 cards in hand allowing him or her to use them carefully either for creating events, spending operational points or supporting battles.

The A1 map represents the Fertile Crescent (Kuwait, Iraq, Syria & Lebanon) and parts of Iran, Israel, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It is a point to point map containing 113 boxes depicting clear, mountainous, swamp and urban terrains, as well as oilfields and objectives.

The 3 countersheets include a complete OB for all the potential belligerents, from tenacious Iranian “Al Qods” to the redoutable Israeli Armored divisions, alongside Saudi, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese, US, French, British, Jordan and Gulf Monarchies units, including Kurdish and jihadist troops as well as all local militias (Sunni, Shia, Al Shams, Hezbollah…).

While using the same basic game system as “Bloody Dawn: the Iran-Iraq War” designed by Pierre Razoux, Fitna — "fitna" meaning "schism" in Arabic — includes many new rules, assets and events characteristic of current wars in this region. An International Tension track simulates the growing tension leading to the arrival of extra reinforcements and the massive military intervention of the United States of America.

Rules allow the two to six players to tackle 10 variously sized scenarios, from 2 to 6 hours of play, focusing either on historical or hypothetical ones.

The 10 scenarios are:
· “The civil war in Syria: 2012-2013” (tutorial for 2 players / 6 turns)
· “The fight against ISIS: 2014-2015” (2-4 players / 6 turns)
· “Russian intervention in Syria and the PKK rebellion in Turkey: 2015-2016” (2-4 players / 6 turns)
· “ISIS’ collapse: 2017-2018” (2-3 players / 9 turns)
· “Iraq invades Kuwait again” (2 players / 6 turns)
· “Turkish military intervention in Iraq and Syria” (2-3 players / 9 turns);
· “The struggle for Kurdish independence” (2-4 players / 9 turns);
· “Limited war between Iran and Saudi Arabia” (2 players / 9 turns)
· “Israel attacks Hezbollah: Regional war in Syria” (2-5 players / 6 turns);
· “Fitna: the global war in the Middle East” (2-6 players / 12 turns)

—description from the publisher

2023-SC-Old-24 Age_12+ Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Feb 18 2023 Arrival-Jan 11 2024 Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2023 Arrival-Jun 10 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-New-Sept-5-11-2022 Arrival-Nov 12 2023 Arrival-Oct 19 2022 Arrival-Oct 25 2023 Arrival-Sept 10 2022 Arrival-Sept 14 2022 Arrival-Sept 17 2022 Arrival-Sept 21 2022 Availability_In Stock BD-2022-Overstock-16-Undo-Price BF-2022 BF-2022-TooMuch-18 BGG-Set Category_Cooperative Category_Wargames Google-True InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-0-L INV-F Non-TCG Overstock-Restore-20230113 Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220911 Restock-20230115 Restock-20230514 Restock-20230604 Restock-20230813 Restock-20231015 Restock-20231105 Restock-20231225 Sale-Overstock-20230113 Year Published_2020s Default Title 65.95 AGS19034-FITNA ARE19034-FITNA 2342