vaibhavhospital 2024-09-28T19:39:52-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2024-09-28T19:39:52-04:00 2024-09-28T19:39:52-04:00 Little Alchemists (Minor Damage) Board Games Czech Games Edition

Vendor: Czech Games Edition
Type: Board Games
Price: 41.95

Designer Matúš Kotry
Publisher Czech Games Edition
Players 2-4
Playtime 15-30 mins
Suggested Age 7 and up

Will you surpass your teachers' knowledge and grow up to become the best alchemists in the land? Let's find out! It's time to grab your potion ingredients, sharpen your deduction skills, and get mixing!

Little Alchemists is a family-friendly deduction game that's designed to grow with the curious minds of young players. The game starts with simple concepts and mechanisms; you'll start by gathering and combining ingredients for brewing potions to sell. However, as you collect keys by achieving your potion-making goals, you'll unlock new chapters that gradually add more components, mechanisms, and complexity to the experience.

Not sure how to make potions? No sweat! Potion craft takes mere seconds with the free Little Alchemists companion app. To make a potion, players select two ingredient tiles, then scan them using the companion app loaded onto a tablet or smartphone. This reveals the combined result and lets players acquire and mark the corresponding potion knowledge on their secret player board.

With each potion you make, you'll begin to discover the secrets that lie at the heart of alchemy. Players will have to use clever deductions to figure out the arcane properties of each ingredient, then they can use that knowledge to their advantage throughout the game!

Over the course of seven chapters that unlock over multiple playthroughs, players will learn and master many new facets of the alchemy trade, preparing them for what's to come. Each chapter is designed as a replayable experience that expands on the previous chapter, with new layers of game mechanisms that add more subtle depth and complexity over time. Also, fully exploring the world of Little Alchemists will introduce you to many of the concepts from and better prepare you for the original Alchemists game.

—description from the publisher

Age_7+ Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Discover BGG-Not-Set BGG-Set Category_Fantasy Discount_On Sale INV-0-L INV-L Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_30 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240428 Stock_New Stock_Updates Stocky-Clearance Default Title 41.95 CGE00119-MD 2445 2024-09-28T18:24:02-04:00 2024-09-28T18:24:02-04:00 The Acts: Letters from Rome (Minor Damage) Board Games Cobblestone Games

Vendor: Cobblestone Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 52.95

Designer Peter Schultz
Publisher Cobblestone Games
Players 2-4
Playtime 75-90 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For
The Acts (Deluxe Edition)

The Acts returns with the all new Letters from Rome expansion. Compatible with both the first edition and deluxe edition copies of the base game, Letters from Rome offers new strategies for adding believers as you can now travel all the way to Italia on your mission. Along with a sideboard depicting Italia as a seventh accessible region, there are epistles that can be delivered, tithes generated by churches, and more to take into account as you spread the word.

Letters from Rome remains a tight, worker placement game with multiple paths to victory. In addition to the actions from the base game, players can now gain coins as tithes from their churches, and collect epistles for both immediate rewards and set collection end game bonuses. Coins can be used to book passage to Rome, enlarge your churches, and to feed and care for the crowds while preaching. Beware, hording coins can lead to corruption, costing you believers over time.

Take on the added challenges as you spread from Judea throughout the Roman Empire to share the gospel message. Although true to the Bible, no Biblical knowledge is required to play and enjoy.

-description from designer

Age_14+ Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Discount_On Sale INV-A INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Stocky-Clearance Default Title 52.95 CSGTA01-Rome-MD 2880 2024-09-28T17:54:09-04:00 2024-09-28T17:54:09-04:00 Things in Rings (Minor Damage) Board Games Allplay

Vendor: Allplay
Type: Board Games
Price: 21.95

Designer Peter C. Hayward
Publisher Allplay
Players 2-6
Playtime 15-20 mins
Suggested Age 6 and up

In the center of the table, place the Rings and form a triple Venn diagram. Designate one player to be "The Knower." The Knower knows the different logic rules for each Ring and will facilitate the game. All other players start with a hand of five object cards.

Depending on the Ring, the logic rules will be related to different characteristics, like spelling, grammar, physical properties, cultural relevance, or industry.

On your turn, place an object card from your hand into the Venn diagram. If it fits that ring's rules, place another card. If it doesn't fit the rules, "The Knower" moves the card to the right area. The player then draws another card.

The point of the game is to get rid of all of your cards. Can you figure out the Rings' logic before your opponents? Don't forget, you can play in the overlapping spots of the Venn diagram, or even outside it completely!

—description from publisher

]]> Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Discount_On Sale INV-M-Z INV-T Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Stocky-Clearance Default Title 21.95 GME-TIR-MD 1193 2024-09-28T16:59:50-04:00 2024-09-28T16:59:50-04:00 Ahau: Rulers of Yucatán (Minor Damage) Board Games Grand Gamers Guild

Vendor: Grand Gamers Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 67.95

Designer Oláh Tamás
Publisher Grand Gamers Guild
Players 1-5
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Ahau: Rulers of Yucatán is a Euro-style board game, combining elements of worker placement and resource management with innovative dual-engine building - all set in the Classical Period of the Maya.

In the game, the players take the roles of leaders of city-states who are all eager to climb the ladder of power and become the most famous ruler of this era. Throughout their journey, they have the chance to invoke the ancient Maya deities, make the production flourish, build their pyramid temple and capital, and expand the borders of their territory.

Ahau is a homage to the breathtaking Maya culture, bringing their history closer to the players. The cultural and historical aspects of the game were closely checked by Mayanist David S. Anderson, professor of anthropology and archaeology, an instructor at the Radford University in Virginia, U.S.

The Solo Mode was co-designed with professional game designer, David Digby.

Age_14+ Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Discount_On Sale INV-A Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stock_New Stocky-Clearance Default Title 67.95 GGDAGA101-MD 3915 2024-09-27T06:51:43-04:00 2024-09-27T06:51:43-04:00 Quartershots: Roads & Ruins (Book) RPG Deck & Dice Games

Vendor: Deck & Dice Games
Type: RPG
Price: 24.95

(as in, smaller than "one-shot" adventures)

Book 1: Roads & Ruins focuses on adventures players can have traveling between towns, whether its ambushes on the road, escorting jobs, or crumbling towers found along the way.

QuarterShots is a new type of adventure book: the Game Masters's backup plan. They're packed with system-neutral side quests that can be dropped into any RPG session with ZERO prep!

Not enough time to prep for your upcoming session?
 QuarterShots is your backup plan. Didn't expect your players to leave town mid-session? No problem! Just flip to a fitting two page adventure and seamlessly continue GMing.

Each adventure starts with a brief summary, to let you 
quickly pick out the adventure that best fits your game. The rest of the details are presented in small packets of information, so you can easily skim any adventure to get all you need to know to run it, without slowing down the session.

● 64 pages of side quests that
 defy players expectations and fit into any campaign
● Each adventure is 1 to 2 hours of gameplay - perfect for short sessions or to fill out longer game nights
● Truly system-neutral - 
compatible with 5e or any other system - there are no game specific mechanics
● The perfect 
GM backup plan for when players decide to do something unexpected
Requires no preparation - you don't even need to read the entire adventure before you start running it
● Quit worrying about being underprepared - your players will never see you sweat!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-RPG-OR-BOOKS Product Type_RPG Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-Pending Stock_New Default Title 24.95 DNDGQS01 414 2024-09-27T05:53:00-04:00 2024-09-27T05:53:00-04:00 One More Quest – Core Book RPG Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: RPG
Price: 62.95

Discover the dexterity comedy role playing game of dungeon-crawling adventures set in the world of the Dungeon Fighter™, where you don’t roll dice–you throw them!

Never forgot that super-useful talent again!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-RPG-OR-BOOKS Product Type_RPG Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 62.95 HG172 227 2024-09-27T05:51:03-04:00 2024-09-27T05:51:03-04:00 One More Quest – Target Board Accessories Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Accessories
Price: 22.95

The Target Board is the fundametal tool to play One More Quest!

Get ready to throw your die so it lands as close to the centre of a Target as possible… and expect the Supreme Dungeon Mastermind to complicate your throws with special restriction, to further increase the spectacle and challenge!

Hit the target with your die, or die laughing as you try!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-ACC Product Type_Accessories Product Type_RPG Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 22.95 HG210 227 2024-09-27T05:47:15-04:00 2024-09-27T05:47:15-04:00 Alone: Kickstarter Exclusive Expansion Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 22.95

Designer Andrea Crespi
Lorenzo Silva
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 2-4
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Assassin Hero Miniature and card
Defuser Hero Miniature and card
Alpha Hybrid Miniature
Mission Card
Map Sheet (K1/K2)
3 Item Cards

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-A Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 22.95 HG017 1247 2024-09-27T05:40:54-04:00 2024-09-27T05:40:54-04:00 The Great Split: General Promo Tile Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 7.95

Designer Hjalmar Hach
Lorenzo Silva
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 2-7
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

The General is a promo character for The Great Split. He works like the other characters in the game and does not change any rules.

His abilities are:
• at the beginning of the game: advance on Emerald Track 5 times
• at the end of the game: one additional Gold Contract for Contract Scoring

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-G INV-M-Z INV-T Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG148 431 2024-09-27T05:38:01-04:00 2024-09-27T05:38:01-04:00 Evergreen – Wildcard Fertility Promo Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 2.50

Add more variety to your Evergreen games with this exclusive Wildcard Fertility Promo!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-E Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Stock_Updates Default Title 2.50 HG143 136 2024-09-27T05:35:41-04:00 2024-09-27T05:35:41-04:00 Evergreen – Custom Card Sleeves Card Sleeves Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Card Sleeves
Price: 21.95

Your Evergreen copy will be totally safe, thanks to these 45 premium quality, 63x88mm custom card sleeves!
One pack is enough to sleeve all the cards in the core game.

Evergreen is a tree-growing abstract strategy game for 1-4 players, where you make your planet the greenest and most fertile of all!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-SLEEVE Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Card Sleeves Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 21.95 HG180 1193 2024-09-27T05:32:58-04:00 2024-09-27T05:32:58-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Tucker Blackfoot Hero Sheet Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 7.95

Add Tucker Blackfoot, the imposing Miner to your party of Dungeon Fighters with this exclusive Hero sheet!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG170 227 2024-09-27T05:31:01-04:00 2024-09-27T05:31:01-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Silicone Trays Pack Accessories Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Accessories
Price: 12.95

These 2 foldable silicone trays will keep your table tidy and organized while you play.

Use one tray to replace the Chest tile and store the rewards you accumulate during your quest, and keep the unused components always at hand with the other tray!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-ACC Product Type_Accessories Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 12.95 HG100 703 2024-09-27T05:29:02-04:00 2024-09-27T05:29:02-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Metal Upgrade Pack Tokens Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Tokens
Price: 49.95

Upgrade the plastic coins and the cardboard Scar tokens included in a single game box with gorgeous metal counterparts!


  • – 30x metal Gold Coins
  • – 18x metal Scar tokens
Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Tokens Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 49.95 HG099 2717 2024-09-27T05:26:39-04:00 2024-09-27T05:26:39-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Metal Party Leader Token Tokens Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Tokens
Price: 7.95

Upgrade your regular Leader token with a shiny, golden metal crown. Wear it! Show it around! Show who is in command! Be the King! Rule Them All!!!

…but just for 1 round, then you must pass it to the player on your left… well, good things aren’t meant to last that much anyway.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Tokens Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG097 431 2024-09-27T05:24:33-04:00 2024-09-27T05:24:33-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – King Gilford Hero Sheet Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 7.95

Add King Gilford, the noble Siren ruler to your party of Dungeon Fighters with this exclusive Hero sheet!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG229 227 2024-09-27T05:21:11-04:00 2024-09-27T05:21:11-04:00 Dungeon Fighter in the Labyrinth of Sinister Storms Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Aureliano Buonfino
Lorenzo Silva
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 1-4
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Dungeon Fighter is back with a brand new Second Edition, 10 years after its original release!

The new Dungeon Fighter series comes in different standalone versions, each with a completely different Dungeon! You will find the good old cooperative gameplay experience with its crazy dice throws (improved with streamlined rules), unique target-board with its own gameplay elements, and of course different dice, heroes, weapons, monsters, bosses, and rooms. It’s like a completely different game each time!

In the Labyrinth of Sinister Storms our party of whimsical heroes is stuck in a dangerous jungle, trying to survive the nature-related shenaningans of this dungeon! Featuring classic d6 dice and an almost-familiar target board, this is the perfect start for Dungeon Fighter rookies!

Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 72.95 HG060 3969 2024-09-27T05:19:43-04:00 2024-09-27T05:19:43-04:00 Dungeon Fighter in the Chambers of Malevolent Magma Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Aureliano Buonfino
Lorenzo Silva
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 1-4
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Dungeon Fighter is back with a brand new Second Edition, 10 years after its original release!

The new Dungeon Fighter series comes in different standalone versions, each with a completely different Dungeon! You will find the good old cooperative gameplay experience with its crazy dice throws (improved with streamlined rules), unique target-board with its own gameplay elements, and of course different dice, heroes, weapons, monsters, bosses, and rooms. It’s like a completely different game each time!

In the Chambers of Malevolent Magma our heroes venture into the depths of an underground volcano, where they’ll have to keep their cool among the flames. Featuring quirky-bouncing d8 dice and an all-new target board for an unprecedented Dungeon Fighter experience!

Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 72.95 HG059 3969 2024-09-27T05:17:13-04:00 2024-09-27T05:17:13-04:00 Dungeon Fighter in the Catacombs of Gloomy Ghosts Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Aureliano Buonfino
Lorenzo Silva
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 1-4
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Dungeon Fighter is back with a brand new Second Edition, 10 years after its original release!

The new Dungeon Fighter series comes in different standalone versions, each with a completely different Dungeon! You will find the good old cooperative gameplay experience with its crazy dice throws (improved with streamlined rules), unique target-board with its own gameplay elements, and of course different dice, heroes, weapons, monsters, bosses, and rooms. It’s like a completely different game each time!

Follow our heroes in the Catacombs of Gloomy Ghosts as they explore a haunted necropolis, trying to avoid meeting a grim fate at the hands of the undead! Featuring fast-rolling d12 dice and a slice-based target board for a spooky Dungeon Fighter challenge!

Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Stock_Updates Default Title 72.95 HG061 3969 2024-09-27T05:15:15-04:00 2024-09-27T05:15:15-04:00 Dungeon Fighter in the Castle of Frightening Frosts Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Aureliano Buonfino
Lorenzo Silva
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 1-4
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Dungeon Fighter is back with a brand new Second Edition, 10 years after its original release!

The new Dungeon Fighter series comes in different standalone versions, each with a completely different Dungeon! You will find the good old cooperative gameplay experience with its crazy dice throws (improved with streamlined rules), unique target-board with its own gameplay elements, and of course different dice, heroes, weapons, monsters, bosses, and rooms. It’s like a completely different game each time!

Slide with our heroes into the frozen halls of the Castle of Frightening Frosts, an icy fortress where they are at constant risk of slipping into a frosty hell! Featuring super-sliding d4 dice and a square-themed target board for a chilling Dungeon Fighter adventure!

Be a Professional Hero! Explore the Dungeon, face weird and ferocious monsters, and fight your way to the final Boss! To defeat those fiends, you will need to use all of your focus and dexterity and throw the dice at the right spots of the main target-board.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 72.95 HG062 3969 2024-09-27T05:11:33-04:00 2024-09-27T05:11:33-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Embroidered Cloth Bags Pack Bags Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Bags
Price: 18.95

Keep your components cozy an warm between games with these fancy Dungeon Fighter bags for the fashion-savvy heroes!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-BAG Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Bags Product Type_RPG Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 18.95 HG101 227 2024-09-27T05:09:26-04:00 2024-09-27T05:09:26-04:00 Dungeon Fighter: Collector's Edition Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 329.95

Designer Aureliano Buonfino
Lorenzo Silva
Lorenzo Tucci Sorrentino
Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 1-6
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

A "big box" deluxe edition of Dungeon Fighter offered during the Dungeon Fighter Kickstarter, for a complete Dungeon Fighter experience. The box contained:

- The components of Dungeon Fighter (Second Edition).
- The components of Dungeon Fighter in the Labyrinth of Sinister Storms.
- The components of Dungeon Fighter in the Castle of Frightening Frosts.
- The components of Dungeon Fighter in the Catacombs of Gloomy Ghosts.
- The components of Dungeon Fighter in the Chambers of Malevolent Magma.
- The Kickstarter-exclusive metal Party Leader token.
- The Metal Upgrade Pack of 30 metal Gold Coins coins and 18 metal Scars.
- The Silicone Trays Pack of two foldable silicone trays.
- The Embroidered Cloth Bags Pack.
- All the stretch goals unlocked in the campaign.
- The Hero Betty Loudscream offered during the campaign.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-Pending Stock_New Default Title 329.95 HG106 17958 2024-09-27T05:04:40-04:00 2024-09-27T05:04:40-04:00 Dungeon Fighter – Angela the Windy Hero Sheet Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 7.95

Add Angela the Windy, the swift Air Elementalist, to your party of Dungeon Fighters with this exclusive Hero sheet!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG169 227 2024-09-27T04:55:48-04:00 2024-09-27T04:55:48-04:00 Tiny Turbo Cars – Wooden Tokens Upgrade Pack Tokens Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Tokens
Price: 24.95

This upgrade pack includes alternative, silk-screen printed wooden versions of Smile tokens (including those from the 5-6 Players Expansion), Energy Shield tokens, Battery tokens, and the Slippery token!!

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Tokens Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 24.95 HG091 1356 2024-09-27T04:53:21-04:00 2024-09-27T04:53:21-04:00 Tiny Turbo Cars: Time Machine Expansion Board Games Horrible Guild

Vendor: Horrible Guild
Type: Board Games
Price: 7.95

Publisher Horrible Guild
Players 2-4

Break the boundaries of time with this unique racecar expansion… introducing The Time Machine!

Text says: At the end of your turn, you may execute again 1 command from the 3rd row of your controller.

Arrival-New-Sept-22-29-2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-M-Z INV-T Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Default Title 7.95 HG086 431