vaibhavhospital 2018-12-31T01:01:09-05:00 vaibhavhospital 2018-12-31T01:01:09-05:00 2018-12-31T01:01:09-05:00 Invaders: Armageddon (Import) Board Games White Goblin Games

Vendor: White Goblin Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 24.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Toby Farrands
Mark Harkins
Publisher White Goblin Games
Players 2
Playtime 60 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

The scream travelled as far as the distant roar of circling jets would allow.

Shazia Barnes had come to the far end of a ruined mall’s parking lot, searching for her husband when she heard the cry. She spun around, watchful for alien locusts, and the dreaded flying ‘squids’. Shazia heard the woman’s cry again as she swept the mall, carbine at the ready. The weapon was the only companion who’d made it this far, and she’d scored ‘him’ once with her knife for each deathworm she’d put an explosive-tipped caseless round into.

A megalithic starship was visible on the horizon, hanging like cast-iron doom over the distant mountains. Towering columns of black smoke roiled upward from the city in front of her. Shazia studied the landscape, stone-faced. It was clear to her now that her husband must be dead.
Picking through ravaged corpses, and steering clear of a downed chopper, Shazia walked toward the cries, as a squadron of ‘Barracuda’ jets roared overhead. As they sprinted for the spaceship, Shazia thought they looked like a school of minnows attacking a great white shark.
She fingered her wedding ring and moved on.


Invaders: Armageddon is an expansion for Invaders, comprising four expansions in one package.

Armageddon expands the number of possible stratagems available to each player, from the board-set ones available in the base game of Invaders. Due to the hidden nature of these powerful additions, both players are kept guessing as to their opponent’s overall plan of attack – until it might be too late!

Mankind has also gained a new phase, allowing him to attack the vast alien mothership, and possibly increase his shot at victory against the alien overlords. This addition alters the way both players fight the invasion of Earth:
Will the Invader move scarce resources to protect the mothership - which has an energy source available to help play Invader cards, or can fire a mega-death super-weapon.
How many cards will Mankind play to directly attack the mothership, because every robot or tank moved to strike the starship is one less card available to defend Earth from other attacks...

This expansion also adds three new theatres of conflict (coastal cities) for both sides to combat over. Along with his hand of cards, the Invader player deploys alien squids to form an ever-increasing swarm, while Mankind struggles to defend Earth with a limited number of jet squadrons.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-I Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_60 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Source_Import Games Year Published_2010s Default Title 24.95 15953124655155 943 2014-03-27T00:23:00-04:00 2014-03-27T00:23:00-04:00 Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso Board Games Stronghold Games

Vendor: Stronghold Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 21.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Publisher Stronghold Games
Players 2
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Family Revolver
Contained In Revolver Bundle

In 1894, farmers from the small village of Malpaso face the prospect of again losing their livelihood to a band of roving thieves, led by the self-styled "General" Mapache – himself wanted by the Mexican National Defense Army.

Their solution is to go to the much admired but fallen from grace "Padre" Esteban, and see whether he can hire gunfighters to protect them. After trying to raise funds by any means at the "All Rivers" Poker tournament, the Padre recruits a band of gunslingers for the task and, once complete, travels back to the village over the precipitous Los Quantos bridge – all the while harassed by a detachment of the General's men. There they fortify Malpaso itself, and usher the frightened villagers into the abandoned silver mine for protection.

When the bandits finally attack, both sides are prepared. Mapache's men unleashing their Gatling gun to devastating effect, while the villagers have a few tricks of their own. Both sides will suffer many casualties in the calamitous battle, but will the Mexican Army arrive in time to put an end to the bloodshed?

Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso is a two-player card game set in the Old West, in which one player takes the role of General Mapache and his band of thieving outlaws, and the other player controls the villagers and guardians hired to protect the town of Malpaso, led by the infamous Padre Esteban. Each player has a unique deck of cards with unique possibilities as well as different winning conditions, which requires different tactics and different methods of play.

More than just new locations, Revolver 2 features brand new gameplay elements in players can use a mine cart-mounted Gatling gun, blow up a bridge, assemble their own team of gunfighters, and dynamite mine tunnels. The game also includes a terrific Stud Poker mini-game which determines in which town the initial firefights occur.

Like the original Revolver, the game remains elegantly simple and can be learned in five minutes. That said, Revolver 2 is a standalone game and the cards from Revolver and its expansions (red packaging) are not interchangable with Revolver 2 and its expansions (green packaging).

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Thematic Google-True INV-M-Z INV-R Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 21.95 101429 830 2014-03-27T00:21:00-04:00 2014-03-27T00:21:00-04:00 Revolver Expansion 1.2: Hunt the Man Down Board Games Stronghold Games

Vendor: Stronghold Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 13.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Publisher Stronghold Games
Players 2
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expands Revolver
Contained In Revolver Bundle

A vicious hardened convict is imprisoned within the walls of a brutal Texan prison. Locked inside his mind is the key to Colonel Ned McReady's downfall, and Jack Colty is the only cowpoke alive who can spring him out. Trouble is, Jack's already being pursued by the vengeful Colonel about another matter...

In the end, only one side will claim victory. Will it be yours?

Revolver: Hunt the Man Down – the second in a series of expansions for Revolver – introduces two new icons to the game; a new winning condition for the McReady player; and a new location, the prison, from which the Colty player may decide to free his compadre. The method for resolving the jailbreak is unique compared to the other battlefields and does not lengthen the game. Also included are new cards for both players which give them the opportunity to customize their decks, bringing new variety and replayability to each game.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Thematic Google-True INV-M-Z INV-R Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 13.95 SG7002 527 2014-03-27T00:19:00-04:00 2014-03-27T00:19:00-04:00 Revolver Board Games Stronghold Games

Vendor: Stronghold Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 24.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Publisher Stronghold Games
Players 2
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Revolver Expansion 1.1: Ambush on Gunshot Trail
Revolver Expansion 1.2: Hunt the Man Down

Contained In Revolver Bundle

Howdy, ya'll.

C'mon in and sit a spell. Let me tell ya about Jack Colty and his gang, and get ya up to gallop on all the interestin' events. Those filthy drovers and gunslingers are dangerous and desperate, each one generally havin' killed a man, and be content to live on a diet of Navy plug and whiskey.
I ain't never seen no queen in her damned undies, so the feller says. But I'll tell you what - after hearin' this here stupefyin' story I'm about to unfold, well, I guess you folks can make up yer own minds why I retired early.

The year is 1892.
The bank at Repentance Springs has been robbed.
Many good citizens, including Sheriff Anton Dreyfus and school-marm Sue Daggett, were brutally slain as Colty's gang shot its way, whooping and hollering, out of town.
Colonel Ned McReady and his men are tasked with bringing Jack Colty - a man so mean he'd steal a fly from a blind spider, or a coin off a dead man's eyes - and his gang to justice.

Revolver is a non-collectable card game set in the Old West.

Consisting of two balanced 62 card decks, the game pits two players against each other in a life or death struggle. One player takes the role of Colonel Ned McReady and his lawmen, and his opponent assumes control of the notorious and deadly Colty gang.

At their disposal, the Colty gang - the meanest bunch of low down dirty dogs in the West - have a roster of weaponry to bring down the lawmen on their tail: .38 Specials, .45 Long Colts, 1866 double barrel Derringers, and even a Gatling gun! Some example cards from the gang's deck: Cherokee Scout, "Adios, Amigoes!", "Thanks for yer coffee and eggs, ma'am", and "Chew on this, Gringo!"

The Colonel player's objective is to eliminate all the gang members before they can escape across the Mexican border. He can utilise such cards as Buffalo Stampede, Rattlesnake Bite, "I can smell those yellow bellies on the wind", "He shot my hat clean off!" Apache Scout, and Rickety Bridge.

The game has an asymmetrical design, with both decks featuring different cards and abilities. Revolver is played using a 5-column system, representing consecutive gunfights in the following battlegrounds: The Bank at Repentance Springs, Whiskey Canyon, Buzzard Point, Rattlesnake Creek, and the 3:15 Express from Rattlesnake Station. Gameplay is quick and bloodthirsty with bandits gunned down frequently, and law-men peppered with lead by the well-placed use of "Fire at will, boys."

Numerous tricky decisions must be made throughout. For instance, the Colty player could choose to deploy the Jackson Clan during the Whiskey Canyon battle, but the resources that this would require might make it a very risky, but rewarding, play. Similarly, the Colonel McReady player can deploy the Colonel at any time during the conflict - he's free to play aboard the 3:15 Express Train, but hugely expensive if used at Buzzard Point, for instance. Also, during the final confrontation, Jack Colty can force the train to crash - as a last ditch effort, probably killing some of his own crew in the process - he's as crazy as popcorn on a hot stove!

Primarily a combat-driven card game, each player must manage his deck of cards effectively to win. In addition to simple, unique abilities, each card also has two values: power and cost. Some simple icons are used to display such things as 'coming-into-play' effects, and if a gringo has 'True Grit'.

Revolver can trace its parentage back to San JuanMagic: The GatheringBattle Line, and is a new implementation of Aliens: This Time It's War.

Victory Conditions:

The Colty Gang player wins if he manages to "Escape across the Mexican border."
The Colty Gang player wins if he reaches and survives the battle on the 3:15 Express train.
The Colonel McReady player wins if Jack Colty and all the gang members are either hanged or killed.
The Colonel McReady player wins if Cortez is killed before boarding the 3:15 Express train.

Each bandit character card has a Survival Rating, indicating the likelihood of them surviving to the end of the game. For example, Lenny and Micky Mason have a low chance of survival, whereas Cortez has a high Survival Rating. Also, certain character's deaths have hugely detrimental effects on the game, such as having to discard a card, or in "Kittens" Mackenzie's case: the gang having to fight an extra two turns on the Rattlesnake Creek battlefield.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Thematic Google-True INV-M-Z INV-R Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 24.95 101428 943 2014-03-27T00:10:00-04:00 2014-03-27T00:10:00-04:00 Revolver Expansion 1.1: Ambush on Gunshot Trail Board Games Stronghold Games

Vendor: Stronghold Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 10.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Publisher Stronghold Games
Players 2
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expands Revolver
Family Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso
Contained In Revolver Bundle

The mayor of Repentance Springs has fallen down a mine shaft. Undismayed, Ned McReady vows to keep the peace, by fair means or foul – his way or the road to Perdition. The only fly in this curly wolf's ointment is Jack Colty - a loose cannon, robbing banks, and shooting folks, and he don't care a continental – if you believe the stories. With a plan hatched behind the gospel mill, Ned sets out to put a spoke in Jack's wheel. Deals are struck. Ambushes are set.

In the end, only one side will claim victory. Will it be yours?

Revolver: Ambush on Gunshot Trail – the first in a series of expansions for Revolver – gives the Colonel McReady player greater strategic options through the placement of ambush cards underneath the battlefield cards. The Jack Colty player receives two new bandits, and new cards for the decks of both players give them the opportunity to customize their decks, bringing new variety and replayability to each game.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Thematic Google-True INV-M-Z INV-R Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 10.95 101430 414 2013-10-22T00:41:00-04:00 2013-10-22T00:41:00-04:00 Invaders (Import) Board Games White Goblin Games

Vendor: White Goblin Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 24.95

Designer Mark Chaplin
Publisher White Goblin Games
Players 2
Playtime 45 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Earth is in mortal danger!

Invaders is a card-driven board game of warfare and horror featuring asymmetrical game-play for two players. In the game, the players take on the roles of commanding forces on opposite sides of the conflict.

One player leads the extraterrestrial conquerors whose goal is to transform the Earth and subjugate its inhabitants. The Invaders possess unthinkable weapons and unknowable technologies. More so, within their galactic armada the aliens hold bound a terrifying array of eldritch creatures engineered specifically to sow the chaos and destruction that heralds the arrival of their masters.

The other player commands the unyielding forces of a united Earth. In the shadow of a planet-wide scourge, the nations of the Earth have joined forces to confront the arrival of a doom spawned on the other side of the galaxy. The Terran alliance is a desperation-forged bulwark upon which the invading forces crash and are repelled time and again. Outgunned, with salvaged or untested technology and one foot in the grave, the determined network of military machinery, elite strike-teams, warfare scientists, and neighbourhood militias are surprisingly capable of bloodying the Invaders' noses whenever the two forces meet.

The eponymous Invaders seek to destroy the forces defending the Earth and exhaust their reserves. They do this by defeating the defending forces at key locations while also causing the Earth player to disrupt cards from their deck to their discard pile. The Invader must be cunning when deploying their creatures and war-machines, or enacting their schemes, as the cost to bring assets into the war often involves the discarding of other assets.

Mankind must work desperately to defend critical resources and locations from the corruption and incursion of the alien threat. They do this by building formidable and deadly defences, predicting where the alien player will strike and setting traps designed to deprive the Invaders of key units and wear-down their options. Like the Invader, the humans need to be clever in what they deploy and how they deploy it because their heroes may be bold but they are small in number, and the Invaders are inexorable.

Invaders is a science-fiction game piled thick with the trappings of war and horror. It is steeped in difficult decisions, but built upon a simple, elegant set of rules, and because of this, you will find each game telling a slightly different story each time you play. Both sides use cards to represent their units, plans, resources and events, but as this is an asymmetrical battle game, the way in which those cards are played and how they forward their owner's goals are very different. Regardless, knowing when to let an asset go in favor of a better one, how to exploit a weakness in your enemy's ranks, and where to press an advantage or feint a trap will be key in seeing your side emerge as the victor from the morass of galactic war.

One question remains: Which side are YOU on

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Strategy Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-I Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_60 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Source_Import Games Year Published_2010s Default Title 24.95 100856 943