vaibhavhospital 2024-06-20T04:11:19-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2024-06-20T04:11:19-04:00 2024-06-20T04:11:19-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion III – New Armies Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 40.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 180-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For
History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS
History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE
History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM

With this expansion players will replace the wooden playing pieces in the three games by wooden blocks that will provide a huge amount of fog of war to the game. Fully coloured stickers of Ships and Legions are put on top of the blocks. On the back there will be stickers of their strength. Information of strength will only be revealed at the moment of combat.
This expansion give the military aspect of the game a complete new approach. It can be used for all three volumes.

—description from the publisher

Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 40.95 SOD202206-BR 2227 2024-06-20T04:10:15-04:00 2024-06-20T04:10:15-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion I – New Markets Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 20.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 120-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For
History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS
History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE
History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM

With the Expansion New Markets players can generate a completely new distribution of merchandise. Instead of using the merchandise printed on the map players will now place the merchandise token by random principle over the map. We included a couple of options. For example a completely open distribution and the option of placing the merchandise face down. So, players know they have to have a trading post with silver to be allowed to develop the banking system. But you need to first find silver before you can create a trading post.
There will be an optional rule that heavily favors the powers who have well developed their fleet. So, players quickly need to find and explore wood and wool to develop their fleet.

This expansion brings a lot of variety and fun to the three games of the series. It can be used for all three volumes.

—description from the publisher

Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 20.95 SOD202204-BR 1139 2024-06-20T04:09:05-04:00 2024-06-20T04:09:05-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion II – Pirates and Barbarians Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 26.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 120-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For
History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS
History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE
History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM

“Sail in sight!” calls the sentry on the tower. To whom do these sails at the horizon belong? A homecoming merchant ship that has a fully loaded hold of gold or salt? An enemy ship with a diplomat on board to negotiate peace? Or are these the black sails of the feared pirates that don’t negotiate but come to plunder and burn down harbors and warehouses?
With the expansion Barbarians and Pirates players can add a new party to the game that will challenge the players for sure.
The playing pieces of the barbarians and pirates are brought into play by the players and will then be played by AI. Players place them but can’t control them. So, a player needs to be careful what he wishes for. To call for the barbarians and pirates at first might seem like a call for help to threaten your opponents but they can turn their attention quickly towards you.

If not opposed right away the hordes of barbarians and pirate fleets can become a real threat to your empire.

This expansion brings a lot of variety and fun to the three games of the series. It can be used for all three volumes.

—description from the publisher

Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 26.95 SOD202205-BR 1465 2024-06-20T04:07:03-04:00 2024-06-20T04:07:03-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 139.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 3-5
Playtime 180-720 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Integrates With
History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS
History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion I – New Markets
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion II – Pirates and Barbarians
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion III – New Armies

Over centuries empires in the Mediterranean Seas invested in expansion of their territory, mostly peaceful by merchants and not by soldiers. There have been immense opportunities to build trading powers in the rich and fertile regions all over the Mediterranean Sea. But the moment will come when the greed for more power and wealth can only be stopped by another powerful empire at the frontiers of yours that has ambitions and plans of their own. Players will have to decide to send armies or diplomats to regions far away from their capitol to declare war or keep the peace.

The game series “History of the Ancient Seas” is the ultimate journey through these exciting times. Build new fleets in your city to explore unknown lands, conquer islands and build your own great empire.

In MARE NOSTRUM, the third and final installment in the “History of the Ancient Seas” game series, you will lead one of the great Empire: The Roman Empire, the Mighty Seafarers of Carthage, the Greek City States, Egypt or Persia.

Your goal is to become the leading empire in the Mediterranean Sea. To achieve this, you will need to build armies and fleets to increase your military might, expand trade routes, conquer islands and provinces, develop your military skills, economic efficiency and culture, while always keeping an eye on the wealth, happiness and stability of your people.

The game is played in highly interactive micro-impulses. The heart of the game system is the action cycle: The players choose one of the eight possible actions. Actions chosen by a player can’t be chosen subsequently by the next player. The number of possible actions is limited each turn.

MARE NOSTRUM is a five player game. New in this chapter of the game series is that each power has unique properties that players must use wisely to achieve advantage over their opponents.
Which god will help their people the most in the struggle of dominance in the Mediterranean Seas?

—description from the publisher

Age_14+ Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_3 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 139.95 SOD202203-BR 7616 2024-06-20T04:06:03-04:00 2024-06-20T04:06:03-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 125.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 1-3
Playtime 120-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Integrates With History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS
History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion I – New Markets
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion II – Pirates and Barbarians
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion III – New Armies

The gods are angry! Which gods you may ask? The Mediterranean Sea in ancient times. The Persian Empire, the Greek city states and the mighty Pharaonic Empire of Egypt fought for dominance in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. The people from all of these empires see the gods as their allies and trust them as supporters for their cause!

The game series “History of the Ancient Seas” is the ultimate journey through these exciting times. Build new fleets in your city to explore unknown lands, conquer islands and build a great empire.

DIES IRAE is a three player game. The challenge in a three player game is that gamers face a constant two versus one constellation. All three players have to fight on at least two fronts at the same time and have to keep a close eye on both opponents. The worst case is they are in an armistice which means they could both focus on you. Each player should avoid this situation at all costs. Which god will help their people the most in the struggle of dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean Seas?

Your goal is to become the leading empire in the known world. To achieve this, you will need to build armies and fleets to increase your military might, expand trade routes, conquer islands and provinces, develop your military skills, economic efficiency and culture, while always keeping an eye on the wealth, happiness and stability of your people.

The game is played in highly interactive micro-impulses. The heart of the game system is the action cycle: The players choose one of the eight possible actions. Actions chosen by a player can’t be chosen subsequently by the next player. The number of possible actions is limited each turn.

War or peace: That is your decision! You can expand your empire by leading your people to war! But war is costly and the outcome is uncertain. You can lead your empire to the golden age of civilization by keeping the peace and bringing stability and wealth to your people without following the path of war. Offer terms to aggressive enemies to distract or delay them, but always be prepared to defend your empire.

You will move your 3D wooden playing pieces (representing fleets and legions) across the beautifully illustrated map from the Hellenistic main land and islands to the shores of Persia in the east and the northern part of the mighty empire of the Pharaons to expand your trade network and increase your trading status.

Age_14+ Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_3 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 125.95 SOD202202-BR 6854 2024-06-20T04:04:47-04:00 2024-06-20T04:04:47-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas I: HELLAS Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 109.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 1-2
Playtime 120-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Integrates With History of the Ancient Seas II: DIES IRAE
History of the Ancient Seas III: MARE NOSTRUM
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion I – New Markets
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion II – Pirates and Barbarians
History of the Ancient Seas: Expansion III – New Armies

The Mediterranean Sea in ancient times. Images of magnificent coasts to be explored and legendary civilizations that rose to power come to mind.

The game series History of the Ancient Seas is the ultimate journey through these exciting times. Build new fleets in your city to explore unknown lands, conquer islands and build a great empire.

In HELLAS, the first instalment in the History of the Ancient Seas game series, you will lead one of the great City States - Athens or Sparta.

Your goal is to become the leading empire in known world. To achieve this, you will need to build armies and fleets to increase your military might, expand trade routes, conquer islands and provinces, develop your military skills, economic efficiency and culture, while always keeping an eye on the wealth, happiness and stability of your people.

The game is played in highly interactive micro-impulses. The heart of the game system is the action cycle: The players choose one of the eight possible actions. Actions chosen by a player can’t be chosen subsequently by the next player. The number of possible actions is limited each turn.

War or peace: That is your decision! You can expand your empire by leading your people to war! But war is costly and the outcome is uncertain. You can lead your empire to the golden age of civilization by keeping the peace and bringing stability and wealth to your people without following the path of war. Offer terms to aggressive enemies to distract or delay them, but always be prepared to defend your empire.

You will move your 3D wooden playing pieces (representing fleets and legions) across the beautifully illustrated map from the center of the Hellenistic world to the shores of Persia in the east and the sandy beaches of Sicily in the west to expand your trade network and increase your trading status.

—description from the publisher

Age_14+ Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 109.95 SOD202201-BR 5983 2024-06-20T04:02:28-04:00 2024-06-20T04:02:28-04:00 History of the Ancient Seas 1: Kickstarter Edition Board Games Sound of Drums GmbH

Vendor: Sound of Drums GmbH
Type: Board Games
Price: 279.95

Designer Karl Hausser
Publisher Sound of Drums GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 120-360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

A special Kickstarter Master of the Seas version only be available during the Kickstarter Campaign.

All three games of the Series in one huge box.

Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-17-23-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-H Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Restock-20240623 Default Title 279.95 SOD2022KS-BR 15236