vaibhavhospital 2022-06-13T02:52:16-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2022-06-13T02:52:16-04:00 2022-06-13T02:52:16-04:00 Hill of Doves: The First Anglo-Boer War Board Games Legion Wargames LLC

Vendor: Legion Wargames LLC
Type: Board Games
Price: 99.95

Designer Godfrey Bailey
Publisher Legion Wargames LLC
Players 1
Playtime 180 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

Strategic Situation:

HILL OF DOVES is a solitaire boardgame in which the player controls an Imperial British Army at war with a programmed non-player Transvaal Republican Army in 1881. The British army’s aim is to win the war by controlling the area known as Laing’s Nek which lies on the border between Natal and the Transvaal. The British army has up to twelve weeks to achieve this, failing which, the Boers will win the war.

Programmed System:

HILL OF DOVES is played using a programmed system whereby the player follows the instructions on the Game Sequence Chart aided by the Step Marker and the Quick Reference Card. If any battles are to be fought the player will be referred to the Assault Chart or the Ambush Chart to resolve the battle and then the player will be prompted to return to the Game Sequence Chart to continue the war.

Time Phases:

HILL OF DOVES is played at a strategic, operational and tactical level simultaneously. There are three phases to the game. The Operational Phase is the heart of the game and represents a seven-day cycle, with a Strategic Phase being referred to at the end of each Operational Phase to resolve situations occurring during the week just passed and a Tactical Phase representing a variable number of hours being referred to each time the British carry out an assault.

Game Boards:

HILL OF DOVES is played on three boards simultaneously. These are the Strategic Board, Operational Board and Tactical Board. Game information is recorded on these boards and British strategic, operational and tactical columns are maneuvered on the maps located on these boards.

1-Player-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jul 28 2022 Arrival-Jun 16 2022 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-May 6 2023 Arrival-New-Jun-13-19-2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220619 Restock-20220811 Restock-20221016 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230115 Restock-20230604 Restock-20240526-Long Restock-20240609 Year Published_2010s Default Title 99.95 WS-LWG-2103-HDV 3778 2019-05-20T13:42:57-04:00 2019-05-20T13:42:57-04:00 Redvers' Reverse: The Battle of Colenso, 1899 Board Games Legion Wargames LLC

Vendor: Legion Wargames LLC
Type: Board Games
Price: 69.95

Designers Godfrey Bailey
Geoff Noble
Publisher Legion Wargames LLC
Players 1
Playing Time 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Geoff Noble - Designer

On the 15th December 1899 General Sir Redvers Buller tried to cross the Thukela River in order to relieve the Siege of Ladysmith. He was faced by well entrenched Boer commandos who inflicted a reverse upon the British that ultimately led to Buller being relieved of command.

Redvers Reverse is a solitaire area movement game that recreated the difficulties for the British in trying to affect a successful crossing of the Thukela against the Boer commandos (who are played by the game system).

The game is at Battalion and Battery level with emphasis upon the leadership of the British at a Brigade level for Infantry and at Divisional level for the Cavalry.

The key feature of the game is to present the player with the problems and difficulties that Buller himself faced. The player is provided with the same level of information and ability to influence events.

Units are activated by orders sent from HQ to the various commanders, with the caveat that the receiving commander may not react as required. Orders remain in place until a rout or a commander initiative role. The nature of orders are to occupy a designated area.

Combat is resolved rolling a 10 sided dice with a minimum number to hit. The impact on the two sides, from hits received, differs considerably due to the asymmetrical situation, both historically and in game terms. In addition there are numerous die modifiers for Dug in (mostly Boer), Terrain of area, Density of units in the area, Flank fire etc etc.

Boer fire is usually determined by each Gruppe firing at the closest occupied area but there are certain designated exceptions.

Besides combat loses units can become Disrupted, Suppressed or Rout. Leaders can Stand Firm or Panic. Both Units and Leader can recover from these postures during the Recovery Phase.

For the British it is a race against time, the longer he delays the higher the Boer confidence goes, this is measured by a ‘Confidence track’ which rises and falls according to events on the Battlefield. As the level of Boer confidence, alongside the extent of the Boer loses, is central to determining if the Boer retire and thus the British win, it must be kept low at all costs. This simple rule prevents the British concentrating against the Hlangwane and turning the Boer flank, he just hasn’t got the time to redeploy his forces.

There will also be a simple rule to handle Hart’s confusion when trying to find a fordable crossing of the Thukela.

The Boer Gruppe are in their historical positions but their exact Firepower can change slightly from turn to turn. The British player does not know the exact firepower of each Gruppe until they are engaged. As loses are inflicted upon the Boer’s their firepower will slowly decline and the likelihood of them withdrawing slowly increase. Whether or not they withdraw is determined at the end of each game turn by revealing the full firepower available, the position on the ‘Confidence track’ and a die role.

The British can win but it won’t be easy, the system will win most of the time. The intention is for the player to feel that if I give it one more go I can do it.

Game scale:
Map: 22" x 34" area map with a scale of 3" to a mile.
Units: Company/Battalion/Battery with individual leaders.
Turn: 30 minutes each.

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jun 3 2023 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Sept 10 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-R Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220721 Restock-20221106 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230115 Restock-20230604 Restock-20240526-Long Restock-20240630 Year Published_2010s Default Title 69.95 WS-LWG-1601-RVR 2644