vaibhavhospital 2022-09-26T11:31:40-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2022-09-26T11:31:40-04:00 2022-09-26T11:31:40-04:00 The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack #1 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 17.95

Designer Mike Denson
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For The Last Hundred Yards
The Last Hundred Yards Volume 2: Airborne Over Europe

The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack #1 builds on Volumes I and II focused on the Allied campaigns in Western Europe. The Pack contains ten Missions that occurred in 1944 during the Normandy pre-breakout and breakout phases in July/August, the Hurtgen forest in November, and the Battle of the Bulge in December.

Join the 2nd Division’s 23rd infantry regiment and experience what Allied soldiers termed “Hedgerow Hell” as it drives through “Purple Heart Draw” to take Hill 192 against the 3rd FJ regiment. The overall goal was to cut the St. Lo-Bayeux highway, a task that was critical for protecting the east flank of the 3rd Army’s breakout from Normandy along the west coast.

Follow units of Patton’s 3rd Army’s breakout that ultimately encircled the German 7th Army and led to its destruction in the Falaise Pocket. These Missions range from crossing key water barriers, forming bridgeheads, and seizing key crossroads to eliminating fortified positions.

Finally, see if you can do better with outnumbered Allied troops who were tasked with taking or holding, what seemed to them, pointless objectives during the Hurtgen Forest and the opening stages of the Battle of the Bulge campaigns.

This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including Rhino tanks, hedgerows, and sunken roads. Each mission provides challenges with different elements, forces, and situations, making this volume an exciting addition to The Last Hundred Yards Series.

Note: Players will need both LHY Volumes I and II to play all the Missions in this Mission Pack.

Two double-sided geomorphic maps
Five Mission Cards (10 missions)
Mission Pack Special Rules

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Feb 3 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-New-Nov-7-13-2022 Arrival-Nov 12 2022 Arrival_Aug 18 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-L INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230103 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230709 Restock-20231022 Restock-20240121 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 17.95 2210 716 2022-09-26T11:25:14-04:00 2022-09-26T11:25:14-04:00 Norway, 1940: A PQ-17 Expansion Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 52.95

Designer Chris Janiec
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 210 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion For PQ-17: Arctic Naval Operations 1941-43

It is Spring 1940, and both the British and the Germans have plans to invade neutral Norway. The British still have the French on their side, while the German Kriegsmarine will never be larger. Who will strike first?

"Norway 1940" is a ziplock expansion for PQ-17 that adds all the British, French, Polish, and German naval and air units needed to re-fight this tense air-naval battle, including such seldom-seen ships and aircraft as the repair ship HMS Vindictive, German Type II U-boats, Blackburn Skuas and Rocs, and early Ju88 heavy fighters. Special rules reflect the unique conditions of the campaign, such as Scandinavian neutrality, Norwegian coastal defenses, faulty German torpedoes, shore bombardments, and Allied establishment of a forward naval base (historically in the Lofotens). And just as in the parent game, secretly determined special conditions offer new opportunities and threats to both sides. Will the British pre-empt the German invasion? Will the Germans attempt to break out into the Atlantic with their heavy ships? Will the Allies elect to stay in Narvik instead of evacuating with the fall of France imminent? Or will the Germans make a daring attempt to seize Iceland before the Allies can occupy it in force?

Norway 1940 includes three operational scenarios highlighting key periods of the campaign. Operation WESERÜBUNG covers early April 1940, with both sides attempting to land ground forces in neutral Norway. Operation SICKLE covers the second half of the month, as the Allies counter-attack after the successful German invasion. And Operation JUNO depicts the end of the campaign in early June, when the Germans attempt to interfere with the Allied offensive on Narvik, unaware that the Allies have already decided to evacuate (or have they?). Plus a 1940 Campaign scenario allows players to refight the entire 10-week campaign, including a semi-abstract system for ground operations that will ultimately decide victory in the game.

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 25 2022 Arrival-Feb 18 2023 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-New-Nov-7-13-2022 Arrival-Nov 12 2022 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20221127 Restock-20231225 Year Published_2020s Default Title 52.95 2104 2001 2017-05-10T17:31:37-04:00 2017-05-10T17:31:37-04:00 PQ-17: Arctic Naval Operations 1941-43 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 42.95

Designer Chris Janiec
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 210 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expansion Norway, 1940: A PQ-17 Expansion

PQ-17 is a 2-player game of World War II air-naval operations in the Barents and Norwegian Seas, where the Allied player strives to pass convoys to and from north Russia in the face of appalling weather and determined opposition from his Axis opponent. PQ-17 highlights the impact of reconnaissance, fuel, and the extreme climate without the drawbacks of a double-blind system or tedious bookkeeping.

Each of the 1" square ship counters in the game depicts an individual capital ship or cruiser or a group of smaller ships, submarines, or merchant vessels. Virtually every vessel that sailed arctic waters in 1942 is included, along with others that fought (or might have) in key actions. Counters are formatted much like the units in traditional block wargames, allowing step reduction to show damage or reduced numbers without cumbersome markers or rosters. These large counters never appear on the map, however; they remain off-map on players' Task Force Displays until battle is joined.

Instead, players maneuver blocks on a mapboard stretching from Greenland and Ireland to Kiel and the Kara Sea. Each block is a force of submarines or surface ships, its identity hidden from the enemy player until it is located by a successful search and the block is turned up. It may represent one ship or one hundred - or none at all, as it may be a dummy. Reconnaissance is critical, as you must locate the enemy in order to attack him. Cards are used to resolve searches quickly and efficiently: a successful search yields intelligence of varying accuracy, while failure to relocate the enemy in a timely manner results in lost contact and generation of another dummy.

Players must also cope with fuel restrictions, reflecting limited endurance (particularly for destroyers) and Axis shortages. Simple rules and the use of markers on the Task Force Displays preclude the need for record keeping while preventing unrealistic freedom of action.

To show the key role of air power in the campaign, PQ-17 also includes over 100 air units. Circular counters represent RAF Coastal Command and Fleet Air Arm squadrons and Luftwaffe Staffeln and Gruppen that participated in naval operations in the theater, as well as selected air defense units. Many VVS air regiments are also included, along with the USAAF squadrons that defended Iceland.

Because the focus of the game is operational, battles are fought on an abstract Combat Display. Simple procedures and multiple Combat Results Tables reproduce historical levels of damage from all forms of combat: submarine attacks, antisubmarine warfare, bombing and aerial torpedo attacks, anti-aircraft fire, air-to-air combat, and naval surface actions.

PQ-17's environmental model is based upon historical meteorological and oceanographic records to accurately reflect the extreme conditions and their effects. Summer operations, conducted in round-the-clock daylight, play much differently than those undertaken in the near-total darkness of winter. The polar ice pack advances and ebbs with the seasons, varying the sea routes available and posing a hazard for naval forces venturing too close. And besides each other, players must also battle some of the worst weather in the world, potentially damaging their ships and affecting movement, searches, and combat.

PQ-17 features nine historical scenarios, including all the major actions of the campaign: the Fleet Air Arm torpedo attack on Tirpitz, the decimation of convoy PQ-17, the climactic battle of PQ-18, the Battle of the Barents Sea, and the 1943 Battle of North Cape. To add uncertainty, each side is subject to a special condition in every operation, which may impose additional requirements or restrictions - or afford additional opportunities - while remaining secret from the opponent. Just like their historical counterparts, Allied players can never be certain that the Germans will not attempt to break out into the Atlantic with one or more heavy ships, and Axis players must beware of a possible attack on Norway; both players may face conflicting priorities and demands that must be met with limited resources. In addition, a 1942 "random" scenario enhances replay value by further disguising starting forces and objectives. Each operational scenario can be played to conclusion in 3-4 hours, and for players seeking a richer experience, a 1942 campaign scenario reflects the challenges of continuing operations over the course of this key year.

Game Components

One 22x34" map
58 15mm blocks
140 1" square counters
140 1/2" square counters
136 circular counters in three sizes
80 cards
One 24-page Rule Book
One 20-page Scenario Book
Two 11x17" + one or two 8.5x11" Play Aids
Two 8.5x11" Task Force Displays
One 8.5x11" Battle Display
Five 10-sided Dice

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New Home Page at Publisher:

2-Players-Only Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2000s Default Title 42.95 37231532749 1623