vaibhavhospital 2020-04-22T22:28:56-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2020-04-22T22:28:56-04:00 2020-04-22T22:28:56-04:00 Storm Over Asia Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 108.95

Designer Bruce Harper
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-4
Playing Time 360-480 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Storm Over Asia is both a companion game to GMT’s A World at War and Gathering Storm, and is a game in its own right, with its own victory conditions. Starting in 1935, Japan, China, Britain, and Russia prepare for war without being sure of just what is coming. Japan must balance its expansion in China, an impending confrontation with the United States and Russia, and the impact of the Pacific theater in a global war. China, Britain, and Russia must try to resist immediate Japanese expansion, while at the same time laying the groundwork for the successful prosecution of war in the Pacific. These short-term and long-term goals will often be in conflict, and misjudgments in either direction may have dire consequences.

Storm Over Asia allows players to explore what might have happened if:
  • Japan had prioritized naval expansion, even though it antagonized the United States.
  • Japanese admirals had focused on submarine warfare in the impending war with the Allies.
  • The Japanese had taken the American submarine warfare threat more seriously.
  • Japan had committed to jets, advanced submarines or rockets.
  • Synthetic oil technology had been developed by Japan.
  • Japan had developed a strategic bomber for to use against China … or Russia.
  • Japan had prepared for a direct attack on the Soviet Union, rather than first trying to eliminate the Chinese threat to is flank.
  • Nationalist China had defeated the Communists before Japan invaded.
  • Communist China had expanded its territorial base and armed forces.
  • The United Front had formed early, allowing China to confront Japanese aggression more effectively.
  • Australia and India had been better prepared for war, including by building Australian aircraft carriers or an Indian air force.
  • YOU had been in command.

Storm Over Asia may be played as a separate game in a single session, with its own victory conditions, and may be played alone or in tandem with Gathering Storm, GMT’s pre-war game in Europe. Storm Over Asia resembles Gathering Storm in many ways, and both games have a structure consistent with A World at War, allowing for a seamless transition to whatever alternate war the players planned – or stumbled into. There are many similarities between Storm Over Asia and Gathering Storm, and Gathering Storm players will have no difficulty in playing Storm Over Asia. There are also differences between the two games, such as the mechanics for combat in China, and coordinating Japanese and European Axis strategies is perhaps even more challenging before the outbreak of war than it is during A World at War (especially in turns where China draws a random event invoking "German advisors" as the reason for increased Chinese combat abilities). Storm Over Asia includes the following:
  • Four random events each turn, providing unlimited replay value.
  • Four Japanese Random Event Category Cards, which determine the type of random event that Japan will have each turn.
  • Economics based on tiles and activity counters, eliminating any paperwork.
  • Flexible Japanese mobilization rules, allowing Japan to emphasis civilian or military production – each at the expense of the other.
  • Unit construction which allows Japan to activate reserve units for immediate benefits, at a cost of limiting future options, and allows China, Britain and Russia to build military counters, if they feel they can afford to maintain them.
  • Variable Japanese, Chinese and British research, which can focus on air, naval, military, economic or intelligence projects, as well as short or long term gains.
  • A fast-moving diplomatic system, with each player allocating diplomatic counters each turn. Diplomatic targets are public, but the points allocated to them are not.
  • Japanese shipbuilding that allows a varied fleet, including the possibility of Japanese 4-factor super carriers.
  • Ahistorical A World at War counters, including improved Japanese armor, stronger Chinese infantry units, Chinese and Indian air units, Australian battlecruisers and light carriers, and Australian naval air units.
  • A dynamic combat system, which covers both the Japanese invasion of China and Russo-Japanese clashes in Manchuria and Siberia.
  • No dice.

—description from the publisher

Age_9+ Arrival-Jun 18 2023 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-May 7 2022 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220327 Restock-20230521 Restock-20240225 Restock-20240414 Year Published_2020s Default Title 108.95 GMT-2005 4118 2015-07-25T17:56:00-04:00 2015-07-25T17:56:00-04:00 Gathering Storm Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 114.95

Designer Bruce Harper
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-5
Playtime 360-480 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Gathering Storm does for GMT's A World at War what Days of Decision did for ADG's World in Flames. It allows players to simulate the diplomatic, economic, and political maneuverings that preceded the Second World War, either as a stand alone game or as an expansion for A World at War. (Unlike Days of Decision, Gathering Storm covers only the European events leading to war.)

<From the publisher's website:>

Gathering Storm, both a game in its own right and a prequel to GMT’s A World at War, covers the period from 1935 to the outbreak of World War II, whenever that might be. Like A World at War, Gathering Storm simulates the military, economic, political, diplomatic, research and production preparations for the Second World War, allowing the players to explore what might have happened if:

- Admiral Doenitz had convinced his superiors of the importance of submarine warfare in the impending war with Britain.
- Germany had pursued the Z Plan earlier and more consistently.
- The development of the “Ural bomber” had been pursued.
- Poland had become a German satellite, rather than resisting German aggression.
- War had broken out over the Sudetenland, or even the remilitarization of the Rhineland.
- Mussolini had given a lower priority to naval armaments, to the benefit of the Italian armor and air forces.
- France had extended the Maginot Line.
- de Gaulle’s arguments to expand and strengthen France’s armor units had been accepted.
- Britain had rearmed sooner.
- Russia had deferred the Great Purges. Or accelerated them.
- The Spanish civil war had been won by the Loyalists.
- A civil war had broken out in Yugoslavia. Or Greece.
- Atomic fission had been discovered earlier.
- The Second World War had begun with a Franco-Italian conflict. Or a French pre-emptive attack on Germany. Or a Russo-German war, with Italy and the Western Allies neutral.
War comes early. Or later, in 1940 or even 1941.
- YOU had been in command.

Gathering Storm can be played as a separate game in a single session, with its own victory conditions, but A World at War players will want to press on and see how the war they have created plays out. While using different mechanics, Gathering Storm's structure is consistent with A World at War and allows for a seamless transition to whatever alternate war the players planned – or stumbled into. Some 30 years in development, with three years of design and playtesting, Gathering Storm, includes the following:

- Six random events each turn, providing unlimited replay value.
- Economics based on tiles and activity counters, eliminating any paperwork.
- Flexible mobilization rules, allowing players to emphasis civilian or military production – each at the expense of the other.
- Unit construction which allows players to activate reserve units for immediate benefits, at a cost of limiting future options.
- Variable research, which can focus on air, naval, military or intelligence projects, as well as short or long term gains.
- A fast-moving diplomatic system, with each player allocating diplomatic counters each turn. Diplomatic targets are public, but the points allocated to them are not.
- Shipbuilding that allows varied fleets, including the possibility of 5-factor super battleships.
- Ahistorical A World at War counters, including armor units of different strengths and additional ships.
- A dynamic crisis system, in which the Allies can appease or oppose the Axis, with neither side necessarily being certain whether war might break out.
- No dice.

Gathering Storm is a must-buy for any committed A World at War player, an excellent – and possibly dangerously time consuming – introduction to the A World at War universe for those unfamiliar with that game, and a enjoyable and instructive fast-paced game all on its own.

Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Feb 3 2023 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Arrival-Sept 22 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-G Non-TCG Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220926 Restock-20230103 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230326 Restock-20231105 Restock-20240414 Restock-20240901 Year Published_2010s Default Title 114.95 1502 4345 2015-06-08T19:14:00-04:00 2015-06-08T19:14:00-04:00 A World at War (Third Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 199.95

Designer Bruce Harper
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-8
Playtime 360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Honors 2003 Charles S. Roberts Best World War II Boardgame Nominee

A World at War, a wargaming masterpiece, brings together in one game all of the decisive elements of the Second World War. With roots tracing back to Avalon Hill's classic Rise and Decline of the Third Reich, and to its eventual successors--Advanced Third Reich and Empire of the Rising Sun--A World at War takes this popular gaming system even further, clearing up ambiguities and adding more detail to what was already a fine family of wargames.

Developed through a decade of design and playtesting,
A World at War has it all: marines and paratroopers blasting away at armor and infantry; submarines and carriers skulking cruisers and pouncing battlewagons; army planes and carrier planes crisscrossing the skies with bombers and interceptors and ultra-fast jets. Yet unlike in other games, in A World at War you get to decide which units to build and where to deploy them. Will this corps go to Europe or the Pacific? Will those planes prowl the eastern front or the Med? You must be careful though, for armaments don't constitute the only battlefield: the struggle extends into foreign parliaments, through diplomacy; into your own skunk works, through research; even behind enemy lines, through partisans. So seize every advantage you can get--not just in drop tanks and detonators, but also in oil fields and fur-lined boots. Most of all stay flexible, for when the worst happens and you find yourself outwitted and outgunned, you may need to surge-research the atomic bomb or to take the exigency--less risky and less glitzy--of barricading your beaches and erecting flak near your factories. (Self-recrimination can come later, like how you cracked too few encryptions, or gobbled too many island groups, or skimped too much on Murmansk.) For in A World a War, winning never comes easily. To contend with so wide-ranging of a conflict, your strategies must always be interwoven and your choices anguished. But take heart, if you soldier on long enough and unleash the latest weapons in the cleverest assaults, you just might knock those rivals to their knees!

A World at War, a game that has it all. Warfare not only on the land, under the sea, and in the air--but also on trucks and in treasuries, on the lab bench and in the diplomatic pouch. A battlefield where only the elite can thrive. Master every sphere, weather every setback, and you'll earn that rare chance to conquer armies and rule nations . . . even if they're only cardboard.

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2022 Arrival-Feb 3 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-Oct 20 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-A Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20221007 Restock-20230103 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230212 Restock-20230507 Restock-20240324 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2000s Default Title 199.95 0303-18 2722