vaibhavhospital 2014-08-11T00:09:00-04:00 vaibhavhospital 2014-08-11T00:09:00-04:00 2014-08-11T00:09:00-04:00 Mimikri Board Games Zoch Verlag

Vendor: Zoch Verlag
Type: Board Games
Price: 24.95

Designer Brigitte Pokornik
Publisher Zoch Verlag
Players 2-4
Playtime 20 mins
Suggested Age 6 and up

At the start of Mimikri, all twenty butterfly tiles are placed face down in the middle of the table in the shape of an rectangle. One of the five picture tiles is then inserted into the special "camera" included in the game; this camera consists of a squarish cardboard device with a mirror standing vertically on the diagonal of the square, along with a cut-out "wing shape" on the bottom of the camera. When a picture tile is inserted underneath the cut-out, the "camera" will create a butterfly from the part visible through the cut-out together with the mirrored wing. Since you can insert square pictures in four directions, each picture can create four butterflies depending on how it's orientated.

Once players see the image of the butterfly created, they now try to find this specific butterfly by turning the tiles face up, one by one, until a player finds the matching butterfly. Since the tiles remain face-up during this time, players have the opportunity to memorize as many cards as possible.

Once a player succeeds, he collects the matching butterfly card and places it face-up in front of him. All other butterfly cards are turned face down again. The next player now exchanges the picture tile, trying to insert the next one in a direction resulting in a butterfly he is able to locate immediately. This is more difficult than it seems as you have to imagine the butterfly just from the picture before inserting it.

The player who collects the most butterfly cards wins.

Age_3+ Availability_Out of Stock BD-2021 BD-2021-3 BF-2021 BF-2021-2 BGG-Set Google-True INV-M INV-M-Z Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_30 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 24.95 891530017 943 2014-03-15T18:53:00-04:00 2014-03-15T18:53:00-04:00 Hisss Board Games Gamewright

Vendor: Gamewright
Type: Board Games
Price: 19.95

Designer Brigitte Pokornik
Publisher Gamewright
Players 2-5
Playtime 15 mins
Suggested Age 4 and up
Honors 2002 Japan Boardgame Prize Best Childgame Nominee

The players try to form snakes, which are as long as possible. A snake always consists of a head-section, at least one middle-section and a tail-section. The player who has formed the most and longest snakes wins.

The cards are shuffled and placed face down fan-like on the table. One card is drawn from the "fan" and is placed face-up in the middle of the table. In turn, each player draws a card from the "fan" and tries to match the color with a card in the middle of the table. The card can be turned around to match. If the colors of the two cards match, a snake is started.

If a player draws a card which cannot be placed next to a card or a snake in the middle of the table, this card is then placed on its own in the middle of the table. A card which is drawn from the "fan" can be placed next to a snake to lengthen the snake. A snake can be made longer on both sides. If a head or a tail was already added to the snake, the snake cannot be made longer on that side where the head or tail was placed. A snake without a head or a tail is an incomplete snake. Incomplete snakes remain in the middle of the table until they can be made complete and claimed.

A complete snake consists of a head-section, a tail-section and at least one middle-section. A complete snake does not need to have all colors. The player who is able to complete a snake by laying down a head or a tail with the matching color next to the "open" side of the snake may pick up the snake from the center of the table and place it directly in front of him.

The head and the tail with the rainbow colours are jokers. They may be placed next to every middle-section of a snake.

If several incomplete snakes exist in the middle of the table, a player who draws a matching card from the "fan" can combine two incomplete snakes. The player picks up the combined snake and places it directly in front of him. The player is only allowed to combine two incomplete snakes if he uses the card which he just drew from the "fan."

The game ends when the last card is drawn from the "fan." If the player with the last card is able to complete a snake, he is allowed to pick up the snake and place it directly in front of him. Now the cards in front of every player are counted. The player who has the most cards wins. If two or more players have the same number of cards the player with the longest snake wins.

3Q-2022-Sale Age_3+ Arrival-Apr 7 2022 Arrival-Aug 20 2023 Arrival-Jun 29 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Children Children's Games Children-Games Google-True INV-0-L INV-H Non-TCG Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220815 Restock-20221218 Restock-20230828 Stocky-Clearance StoreFront StoreFront-Children Year Published_2000s Default Title 19.95 100813 449