vaibhavhospital 2020-02-26T12:29:45-05:00 vaibhavhospital 2020-02-26T12:29:45-05:00 2020-02-26T12:29:45-05:00 Stellar Horizons Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 169.95

Designer Andrew Rader
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-7
Playing Time 60-1200 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Stellar Horizons is a "build your own space program" game in which you lead one of five Earth factions to explore and develop our solar system. Designed by a real-life space engineer with a PhD in long-duration spaceflight from MIT, Stellar Horizons is intended to be a plausible representation of the first steps of humanity towards the stars between 2030 and 2169, with each turn representing a year of time. You control your faction's space program, outposts, and fleets spanning across the solar system, although you also have some influence over your faction's politics back home on Earth as space development becomes more important.

Movement is based on real physics. You move from orbit to orbit, or conduct long range transfers to move between planetary systems like Earth, Mars, or Jupiter. As you send out robotic explorers and crewed vehicles to explore the solar system, they bring back valuable data to further your scientific research. Technologies are intended to represent plausible extrapolations of existing development during the next 150 years: there are no transporters or warp drive, but you will be able to develop rockets powered by fusion and even anti-matter. In the engineering and biology domains, you'll eventually be able to construct space elevators and put your crews into safe hibernation for long journeys.

You'll design your own ships using over fifty different component types based on your level of technology on the tech tree. These range from tiny probes intended to merely take photographs as you fly past Jupiter, to giant destroyers, cruisers, and battleships which ply the space lanes with peaceful or hostile intentions. The policies you choose determine your focus (robotic, crewed, economic, diplomatic, settlement, or military), allowing you to draw new ship and base components you'll use to design and construct your ships and bases. These range from ship components like engine rooms, medical bays, airlocks, and command centers, to weapons and defenses like lasers, rail guns, and stealth systems, to base facilities like mining stations, research labs, or spaceports.

You'll be given a budget to spend on Earth and can also build bases to harvest minerals, organics, and fuel to expands your economy. You can also forge diplomatic relationships with players and non-player factions alike, and trade resources at their bases to earn extra cash. Each of the five factions has different strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and available ships based on their unique geopolitical situation. Military conflict is certainly possible but not always encouraged. Stellar Horizons features more diplomatic, technological, and economic competition than outright combat, although neglecting warships entirely leaves you vulnerable to pirates, trade embargoes, and sneak attacks by rogue players and factions.

Stellar Horizons includes short co-operative and competitive scenarios lasting an hour or more, and campaigns lasting a day up to about a full weekend for experienced players. Up to seven players can play at a time and the game is most fun with at least two, but there are also one-player scenarios, and the campaigns are highly suited for solo play. There are three ways to win the campaign: be the first to develop an Interstellar Colonizer, terraform a world, or achieve dominance in space over your rivals.

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BF-2020 BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Strategy Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Players Maximum_7 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2020s Default Title 169.95 CPA1113 6424 2019-04-03T16:34:46-04:00 2019-04-03T16:34:46-04:00 Fatal Alliances: The Great War Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 139.95

Designer Andrew Rader
Harry Rowland
Publisher Compass Games
Players 2-6
Playtime 240-1200 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Fatal Alliances: The Great War is a World War I version of World in Flames. Like its predecessor, Fatal Alliances is all encompassing and represents every theater and aspect of the First World War. Fatal Alliances expands upon the military system of World in Flames to highlight the diplomatic and civilian fronts.

When we think of the First World War, we often think of miles of static trenches stretching along the Western Front. Indeed trench warfare was a huge component of the war, but many theaters in the Middle East, Russia, the Balkans, and even Africa were very dynamic – as even the Western Front was at times. Moreover, Fatal Alliances focuses on the major technological changes the war brought on, on land, at sea, and in the air. In order to prevail on the battlefield, you must coordinate artillery, elite ace-led air forces, gas units, shock troops, engineering units, infantry, cavalry, and early tanks.

The First World War was truly global, and in Fatal Alliances, the Eastern Front, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Africa, and even Asia and the Americas play a major role. German forces are loose in Africa, and South Africa's loyalty is uncertain. Italy will go to the highest bidder. The Ottomans face Russians in the Caucasus and British Forces along the Suez Canal. China is in turmoil, and could potentially join either side. Japan is nominally an Ally, but Japanese expansionism is already at odds with the interests of other Allied powers. Russia is primed for revolution, with Bolsheviks facing Tsarist forces in a battle for control of the largest swath of land in Eurasia.

To guide your nation to victory, you must navigate the world of international politics, swaying both minor and major powers to your side. Can you survive civil unrest or military revolution at home, while instigating it abroad? Can you prevent your troops from refusing to fight, and maintain control of your far-flung colonies? Strategic warfare on the seas and in the air must form a vital part of your strategy, preserving your nation’s own will to fight while degrading the enemy’s. Whatever your strategy, Fatal Alliances: The Great War is a truly dynamic and all-encompassing simulation of every theater of the First World War.

1680 counters represent the armies, navies, and air forces, which fought in the Great War. Two to five players make the strategic decisions that decide the fate of nations. What forces to produce, where to commit them, when, and how? No two games of Fatal Alliances play the same, no strategy is foolproof, and any decision may have unforeseen consequences.

Age_15+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 139.95 16967247560755 5290